Step 3: Shinsou's Arrival

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Now I know what you're all thinking, and no, it's not like that. My heart didn't stop because I just somehow magically knew he was my fated soul mate, or because I fell in love at first sight, or even because he was amazingly, drop dead gorgeous (though I do have to admit that even then, at first glance, tired as hell and obviously in no mood to impress anyone, I thought him remarkably good looking).

No, my heart stopped for an entirely different reason. It was the kind of chilly freeze that accompanies a mixture of surprise, recognition, terror, and curiosity. And yes, fine. Maybe a little bit of attraction. Just a little bit.

Gah, no! That's besides the point.

There was just something about his nonchalant I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude and his tired, chilling, calculating eyes and his judgmental, apathetic, determined slouch that screamed at me this would be a person to watch out for.

And then he glanced at me with those dark, cool, curious eyes and I froze, swallowing involuntarily. After a second he looked away, and I could breathe again.

"Would you like to say a few words?" Asked Mr. Aizawa.

"Sure." Said the newcomer. Shinsou, I remembered. The ridiculously OP brainwasher. "I don't expect to be let into your class dynamic and I'm not here to make friends. I know I'm way behind all of you in your studies and I have a lot of ground to cover before I earn my spot as your classmate. But I'm here to stay, so you'd better get used to me. I hope we get along." He started forward to take Mineta's empty seat, but paused and added as an afterthought, "And no matter what my quirk is, I'm not a villain."

He took his seat.


Shinsou fit into our class surprisingly well. He wasn't much of a talker, sure, and he just oozed dark jaded teenager vibes, but well, what teenager doesn't?

For my part, I can proudly say I recovered quite quickly after my initial impression. Not that I talked to him or anything, but my heart behaved normally and I reverted to my usual, bubbly self. I don't think anyone noticed.

As soon as the lunch bell rang Shinsou's desk was surrounded by curious classmates. The first one to garner his attention was Midoriya, who offered him a bright smile and a firm handshake.

"It's great to see you again, Shinsou! I'm really glad you're in our class."

Shinsou tiredly took his hand from his pocket and shook Midoriya's own, giving him a look that could be interpreted as respect and good will. "Thanks. I look forward to our rematch."

Midoriya grinned in the enthusiastic, slightly maniacal way that only he could; with a smile spread from ear to ear and a glint in his emerald eyes. "Definitely. I can't wait!"

Aside from Midoriya, Shinsou didn't really engage with anyone. He'd nod or reply in a monotone voice, but he never carried out a full conversation. Most of us were watching from afar, anyway. Curious, but patient.

I was one of the ones who held back, along with the rest of the Bakusquad. There'd be plenty of chances to talk in future; best not to mob the poor guy.

But to my surprise, I never got the chance to approach him. No, for some inexplicable reason the cold, indifferent, introverted insomniac was the one to approach me first.

Will wonders never cease.


I'm thinking of posting a parallel story from Shinsou's point of view. Thoughts?


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