more lemons!!!

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Thor and hulk have been dating for 2 years now. Hulk was getting to the point were he could control the monster and he was going to propose to thor.

~hulk as bruce banner~

"What would you like to do today my love?" Bruce was hugging thor from behind.

"I don't know, shall we continue from last night, or would you like to watch a movie?" Thor had the remote in his hand.

"I think I'd rather continue our little shinanigans from last night." Bruce came around the couch and sat on thor's lap. He started to kiss him passionately.

"T-thor...the bed." Bruce gasped from the kiss. Thor carried him to their room and set him down on the bed. He took of both his and his lover's shirt.

"Mmmmm" bruce moaned as thor sucked and licked his neck. He ztarted to take off his pants. Thor took his lover's member in his mouth and started to suck on it.

"Mmmm...agh..t-thor..i-i can't  hold it any longer." He came in his lover's mouth. Thor stuck a finger in bruce's entrance.

"Hagh!" Thor found his sweet spot.

"What do you want me to do my little bear?" He asked in a seductive tone. Bruce put his hands to the back of thor's neck.

"I-i...want you....inside me." With that said thor positioned his already erect member to bruce's entrance and put it inside. Bruce gasped with pleasure.

With each thrust that thor gave it sent  bruce to the land of ecstasy, eating the fruits that are pleasure.
(Omg, even i got a nose bleed.)

"T-thor...I'm gonna...cumm! I can't hold it any longer!" He came after a few thrusts.

"I am about to cumm as well." After a few more hard thrusts, thor came inside bruce.

"I remeber the first time we had that much fun" bruce laid beside thor. Thor gsve bruce a kiss on the forehead and they fell asleep in each other's embrace.

~in the morning~
~Bruce's p.o.v~

I woke up noticing that my blond lover was not beside me. I put some clothes on and went to the bathroom. I noticed thatni had a few bruises on my armes and some on my neck.

"Good morning my little bear" thor poped up from behind me. I hugged him and buried my face in his chest. He wss a bit taller than me when im human.

"Good morning my love." We went down to breakfast we had a small 2 story house.

"Shall be eating eggs and hashbrowns today." I gave a smirk to my love and then i remebered about the ring. 'How shall i propose, i need mother rider's advice. I'll ask her later.' I was broken out of my thoughts when thor picked me up bridal style and hummed 'here comes the bride'.

"Put me down thor" i wiggled until he let me down sitting on the couch. He leaned down to try and kiss me. I stoped him.

"Noo. You must not spoil your breakfast." I still had my fingers bloking his lips. He shoved them away and kissed me anyway. We kissed for a few minutes.

"Do you smell that?" I broke the kiss and asked him.

"Yes, you smell good." I tried to shove him

"No, i mean- shit! The hashbrowns." I ran to the stove and saw that the hashbrowns had been burnt.

~breakfast skip~

At around noon, i went to consult with mother rider about some ideas on how to propose to thor.

~at stark tower~

"Well, i think you should make a rose path in the forest, make it lead to a place you think is perfect. You then can propose to him. U recommende that you be in you other form to propose."

~a few hours later in the forest~

A/N: Hey everyone, i hope i got you hooked up onto my story. Don't worry, i will write more soon.

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