Chapter 1

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Ben woke up on the ground and looked around, he noticed he was in an alleyway. When he looked up to study the buildings, he noticed that they were designed similarly to buildings out of a fantasy novel or possibly the of the Middle Ages. "Where am I? What happened?" Ben asked. Then he remembered the person that did this to him.


Ben was walking down the streets of Bellwood it was a quiet day for him. There weren't any bad guys out and about to bust. He'd just put away the Vreedle Brothers for trying to rob a World War Two History Museum, the other day. He was kinda bored if he had to be honest, all in all, he was hoping for some action. Granted he didn't want death and destruction to come to his friends and hometown, even though it seemed to follow him whenever he wore the Omnitrix. But it was either him at this point, or some evil, corrupt, sociopathic, villainous, warlord, nutjob Hellbent on conquering the whole universe. So, he'd put up with it, he had fun fighting bad guys and being a Hero anyway. On his way to Mr. Smoothie, his favorite hangout spot, he heard an explosion, followed by screams of terror. He rushed toward the sounds to see a man in strange, golden armor the likes Ben had never seen before.

The only reason he could tell it was a man was because of the voice

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The only reason he could tell it was a man was because of the voice. "Where is Ben Tennyson?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs as he fired off some weird-looking beam from his hands. "I'm right here! Now, what do you want you golden chrome dome!" Ben shouted. "So the rumors are true. All someone needs to do to get an audience with you is cause some destruction, a little rampant chaos, and you come running. Perfect now, come with me." The man said threateningly. "Yeah. How 'bout no." Ben said and turned into a giant tan dinosaur, and as he did he shouted. "HUMUNGOUSAUR!"

He was roughly 15 feet give or take a few inches

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He was roughly 15 feet give or take a few inches. But the man only tilted his left, right, then left again as if studying the bipedal dinosaur from another planet. "Look buddy, I don't know who you are or where you came from. And to be honest, I don't really care. So just make this easy so I can go back to having a RELATIVELY good day." Ben said. The man said nothing and just stood there doing nothing. Until he fired a bolt of unknown energy right at Ben's chest. Ben tanked the blast, but it stung. Now that says something considering a Vaxisaurian has an extremely thick hide and even has armor plating on its arms, back, head, and shoulders. And it gets more when it grows, as well as stegosaurus-like planting along its back and spikes coming from its tail. Ben roared at the man and charged him. When he got close enough he swung his right arm back and brought it up only to drop it down on top of the man. But a field of energy seemed to be protecting him and just barely caught the attack. It left a huge crater around the man. Ben then noticed that the man was focusing his full attention on Ben's right arm, keeping Ben from hitting him. He decided to hit him with his left arm. To Ben's surprise, and luck, the attack hit its mark. The man was sent sprawling across the Mr. Smoothies parking lot. "Ugh. It seems you've figured out my weakness. That's problematic. Anyway, you have to come with me now." The man said. He got up and unleashed a torrent of strange lasers. Just before they hit Ben slapped the Omnitrix badge on his chest and was enveloped in an unearthly green light. All the lasers hit either where Ben was standing or the ground around him, sending dust and rubble flying everywhere. "Hmm. That seemed easier than I previously thought. Oh well. I'll just grab him and-" The man started saying but was interrupted by a voice coming from the cloud of dust. "I don't think so." Suddenly two multi-colored beams fired out of the cloud of dust and slammed into the man's chest and cracked his armor. When the man looked up, he saw the dust settle around a tall, purple rock creature, with multicolored spikes coming from its body and hands and one green eye. It wore a mainly white collar, with black and white pants, the Omnitrix logo on the chest.

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