Chapter 2

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After getting off the train, Ben and Makarov made there way through the city. Ben was still in awe of the sheer scale of the city, he really felt like he had stepped into an online MMORPG he would play on his off time. "So, Ben... I'm guessing that you like the city of Magnolia?" Makarov asked noticing the look of childlike wonder and awe on Ben's face. Ben almost had to forcibly close his mouth, realizing that it was open the entire time. "Yeah, where I'm from the cities look nothing like this, unless of course you're talking about those small towns we labeled fairy tale villages, but they're nothing to this scale. I feel like I walked right into a story book." Ben said with a childish glee. Makarov laughed; he hadn't seen someone act like Ben in quite a while. The two men arrived at a large three-story building, resembling that of a tiered caked. But what really caught Ben's eye was the guild's name above the door. 'Wait, it's Fairy Tail? Not fairy tale?' Ben thought. "Well, Ben, here we are. Welcome... to Fairy Tail." Makarov said grandiosely as he opened the door to reveal.... everyone in his guild fighting one another. Mugs of alcohol, chairs, stools, broken tables, and even people flying in every direction. Makarov's jaw immediately dropped almost comically. Ben's jaw also flew open, except unlike Makarov, who was more embarrassed than anything else, Ben was surprised that what he saw was a guild of wizards and not a motorcycle dive bar.

Suddenly a women's voice came out of the chaos. "I've had enough out of all of you!" Then a blueish-green light began to shine. "Now you've done it!" A man's voice came, and a whiteish blue light began to shine. Next a loud shout from a man, and a purple light appeared in another area. Soon enough there were multiple, colored lights appearing throughout the entire building. "Bring it on!" Another male voice declared as a reddish orange light appeared. Then Ben heard a high-pitched voice, sounding more like a kid's than an adult. "Aye!" "Aye, nothing!" A woman shouted in panic. Ben looked over to see a blonde woman holding a blue cat. 'Blue cat huh? I'll admit it's pretty weird, and yet still isn't even in the top thirty.' Ben thought. "Foolish kids." Makarov grumbled and suddenly began to grow in size. "Stop this, you fools!" He shouted at everyone. This was all it took to stop the fighting and get everyone to be quiet. "A giant!" The blonde woman screamed. Ben walked in and took a seat on a stool that hadn't been knocked over. "Oh, you were here, master?" Another female's voice said. Ben couldn't see what they looked like, seeing as they were behind Makarov. Makarov stated that he had just arrived. Soon a lean, muscular young man of average height with a slightly tan skin tone, black eyes, spiky, pink-colored hair, and abnormal sharp canines in a sleeveless, gold trimmed, black waistcoat, left open and untucked, exposing his bare chest, a gold trimmed, black cloth around his waist that reaches his knees, held by a leather brown belt with an oval-shaped silver buckle, white knee-length trousers with black ribbon ties, a thick black wristband on his left wrist, black open-toed sandals and a white, scale-patterned scarf, began laughing. "Everyone's scared stiff! Victory is mi-" The man's declaration of victory was cut short, as Makarov stomped on him. This outcome shocked Ben, seeing as Makarov had told Ben that he considered these people his children. 'Maybe he believes in corporal punishment?' Ben thought. 

Makarov had then noticed that there was a new face in his guild, aside from Ben of course. "Hmm? Another new recruit, are we?" Makarov asked accidently sounding menacing. "Y-Yes!" The blonde woman shouted in fear. Makarov then began to shrink back down to his normal size and said. "Glad to have you on board!" "Now he's so tiny! And wait, if you're the master..." The blonde woman said. "That's right, this is Fairy Tail's Guild Master, Master Makarov." A white-haired woman said as she walked up to the blonde. Makarov then turned and jumped up to the second story. Ben was astonished that Makarov was capable of such a feat. 'Old man got hops.' Ben thought chuckling to himself. Makarov stood atop the railing for the second story and spoke to the Guild members of Fairy Tail. "You've gone and done it again, rascals! Look at all this paperwork the council sent me! They're all complaints! I was also asked to meet with them about the debts Fairy Tail owed in all the damages you all have caused! All you fools do is make council angry at me!" Fairy Tail's Guild members were all silent from embarrassment. Then Makarov spoke up again. "However... screw the council!" He then lit the complaints on fire. And threw them into the air, the pink haired man jumped and... caught it with his mouth? 'Ok, I can't tell what's weirder, blue talking cat or fire eating man.' "Listen up! Magic is an unreasonable power, but is born from reason! It is not some miraculous ability. It is the combination of the spirit that flows within us, and with the spirit that flows within nature itself, incarnated into physical form! It takes a strong mind and focus! In fact, magic is pouring out of ones entire soul! One cannot progress in the way of magic by being mindful of the watchful eye from above! Be not afraid of those fools on the council! And follow the path you believe in! That's what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard!" When he finished his speech, Makarov held up his right hand, the back of the hand facing forward, and his thumb and pointer finger extended. All the guild members did the same thing and shouted with pride. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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