The Beginning

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Hello everyone!

This story contains mature language and scenes. This is your only warning. The story is mine and I own all the copyrights. If you like it so much, get inspired and write your own.😍 Give it a try, it's fun! 😍

This work still needs a lot of editing. English is not my native language, so bear with me.

Let me know what you think about my story and most importantly, enjoy it!! 😊😊



The restaurant was quite full today. Today out of all days, for my bad luck.

The loud chatter around me was very distracting and I couldn't move as fast as I wanted to. People were walking constantly towards and outwards the bathroom, leaving me almost no space to move around. Some kids screamed their lungs out, after devouring our special ice cream bundle and their mothers made no effort to quiet them down.

As I walked towards the kitchen with a full tray of dishes in my hand, I deliberately inhaled all the delicious smells from around the tables in the dining hall, so the awful scent of the kitchen wouldn't overwhelm me. Smelling burned oil and dirty dishes could easily make me lose my appetite or the will to work.

Once inside the kitchen, I stepped on a piece of tomato on the floor and cursed under my breath.

"Aaron there is food on the floor," I said to my boss, but he ignored me. He was too busy preparing food over the grills and fryers. He was sweating like crazy. Not very appealing, but what could he do?

"Lena, can you stay a couple more hours?" he asked and yet it wasn't a question. He knew I would agree anyway, then why ask?

"Sure" I replied and quickly unloaded my tray on the dish-washing counter.

Even though I was very tired, I would never say no to extra working hours, because I desperately needed the money.

Last night I didn't sleep at all, I only managed to close my eyes for a few hours in the morning. I felt so damn tired, so I took a long sip from my Red Bull and went back to wait on my tables.

The place where I parked my car last night was the worst choice I could have made. The police came and politely asked me to move my vehicle to another location. And I did. And then another police officer asked me the same thing. And I was obliged to do so once more. Needless to say, my night was horrible, but luckily, I found a place to crash until morning.

Living in my car was difficult from day one but finding a parking spot every night was even worse. I kept avoiding parking in the same spot for more than a day, that was one rule I'd never break. It was dangerous out there for a twenty-four-year-old woman like me.

"Lena, table six needs the check," Antony said urgently while passing next to me in a hurry. This was the busiest night in all my seven months of working here.

Antony became my friend, I guess. If gossiping about people, I didn't know and drinking coffee before work counted as friendship. I liked him a lot, his sense of humor was top-notch, and he was genuinely very kind to me. He was short like me and had the most amazing sparkling blue eyes I have ever seen.

As my shift ended a little later than Aaron said, it left me even more tired.

I slowly walked home, holding a paper bag with my dinner inside. The silent walk after a long shift was something I really enjoyed. Especially when the weather was warm, and the cool summer breeze played with the strands of my hair as I walked. It was something that helped me collect my thoughts and unwind somehow.

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