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"Hi." Drake was interrupted by a short curly red head girl standing in front of him. "You're..."- She looks at the paper she is holding- "Drake Scotts?" Drake nodded. "I'm Sarah Linton, Student Government President. I'm going to explain and tour you around the academy. Ms. Taylor called me earlier at her office and asks me to give you a tour." Sarah smiled at Drake. Drake looked at her then attempted to pull his lips upward to make a resemblance close to a smile. "You don't smile do you?" Sarah's eyebrow knitted together. "Instead of a smile, you're grimacing." Drake looked ahead averting her stare.

"So, where do you suggest we go first Sarah?" Sarah was taken aback by his sexy velvety voice. She looked at Drake dreamily. Even though Drake wear black rimmed glasses hiding his intense gray eyes, his appearance and presence told her a different story. He has a muscular build like he run and workout every day but not so bulgy and he look so good in the Stevenson famous maroon uniform. She can even imagine the six abs under that shirt of his. Oh how she want to feel and look at it. She scolds herself for fantasizing the handsome boy in front of her.

The Stevenson uniform is composed of white long sleeve under a maroon jacket with Stevenson logo in the left beast area, a black tie and a maroon slacks in the bottom. The girl's uniform is the same with the boys but instead of slacks is a pleated skirt. Sarah bit her bottom lip then stare at Drake. Drake looks at her wondering why she is staring intensely at him and do not say anything for a few minutes now. Drake thought that she will explain everything to him but what happened to the explaining statement? "So?" Drake looks at her waiting for her to say something.

Sarah snapped out of her fantasizing, she realized that Drake is looking at her. She looked like a deer in the headlights, completely unable to speak. Did he catch me staring at him? Definitely. He's looking straight in my face! Oh my gosh! Oh! Kill me now. Kill. Me. Now. "Oh. What are you saying again?" She asked avoiding eye contact with him. She just wanted to turn and run away. Far. Far away. But, if she does that Drake would think that she is crazy. A crazy student government president. She prayed that the ground would open up then swallowed her.

Drake eyed her, still searching something in her face. Sarah fidgeted with her fingers. She always does this when she is nervous or embarrassed. Fortunately for Sarah, Drake just let it go and turned away. Sarah could finally able to breathe normally again. "Well, I suggest that we start in the recreational room. Well it's a common room for all the students actually." She said thoughtfully glancing at Drake. "Come on."

When they are about to enter the recreational room their head suddenly snapped to the sophomore boy who was running and shouting in the hallway. "The Royal Five is here! I mean four! They just arrive and currently entering the building." The black haired boy shouted passing them. Drake looked at Sarah with questioning expression. Sarah understands it then started to explain. "I thought they will be back tomorrow." She absentmindedly told herself. "Well, The Royal Five are the children of the top five wealthiest families around the world. From rank one to five; The Stone, Davidson, Fineley, Archwel and Thomston . The Stone is the highest royal family. They owned multi-billion dollar hotel business; they are also engage in mining, oil, banking, finance, real estates, energy, agriculture and charities. King David Stone and Queen Elizabeth Stone is the only have royal blood in the five families with their daughter, Princess Elliana Rose Renee Stone. But everybody call her "The Ice Queen" here in the academy except for the royalties of course, they call her Rose."

"So, she is the Ice Queen." Drake said absentmindedly. Sarah glanced at him with a questioning look. Drake just shrugged. "Why Ice Queen though? She's a princess right?"

"Well, you'll know eventually why she is called the Ice Queen when you finally met her, see her or whatever in the academy. She always made her grand entrance." She said thinking deeply. "She is currently still in a vacation."

"When will that going to be?" Drake asked her. "Oh, you will surely know when." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So as I was saying, the other four families are not royalty by blood but they are considered royalty because of their influence and vast wealth and fortune. The Davidson family is primarily focus in real estates, beach resorts, hotels and steel companies. Mr. Harry Davidson and Mrs. Katherine Davidson together with their only son and heir, Matthew Davidson. Matthew is the academy resident troublemaker slash playboy. He and the Ice Queen are rumored to be in an arrange marriage but nobody could even tell if it's true or not. Matthew changes his girls like changing his shirts. He is always caught having a quickie with every walking gorgeous girl." Sarah shakes her head. "The third member is the Fineley, Mr. Albert Fineley and Mrs. Madison Fineley with their twins; Julian and Julius Fineley. The twins are the "Party Kings" of the academy, throwing the most extravagant party ever but only the royalties and in the second level of the social pyramid are invited. I haven't seen or been there in their famous parties. Well, I was included in the bottom level of the social pyramid.

The social pyramid is composed of five levels. The bottom level has an average income of one million to two millions per year. The fourth level has an average of ten to thirty millions. The third level is one hundred millions to five hundred millions. Second level is five hundred to nine hundred millions. And the top level is where the Royal Five is included earning billions of dollars."

"What rank do you think I am in that social pyramid?" Sarah shrugged, doesn't know what to say. "I couldn't say right now. I just met you. Besides you're the only one who can tell what level are you in and the royalties. They were so updated about all the students wealth status. They also made the social pyramid status. It's either your an in-crowd or outcast." Drake nodded understandingly.

"So, everything revolve here depending on their parents wealth and fortune." Drake said matter of fact.

"Unfortunately yes, even though we don't like it. It's the way it is. We can't change that. The royalties establish that rule." Sarah said with a sad face. 

A commotion interrupted them. They turned to look at the incoming group of students, the Royal Five except that the Ice Queen is not there. Girls are giggling excitedly at the Royal Five boys while the boys sigh dreamily at the only girl in the group. The group is composed of five boys and one girl. Drake's eyebrow furrowed. "How come they are called the Royal five when they are six?"

"The word Royal Five refers to their family names. Their group is composed of six children. The twins are counted as one. So, they are namely; the Ice Queen which is Rose Stone, Matthew Davidson, the twins: Julian and Julius Fineley, Hannah Archwel and Alexander Thomston." Sarah explained while looking at the group. "Hannah is the youngest of the group. She is the It Girl, socialite and party planner for the Fineley twins. The quiet one at the right side is Alexander Thomston. He is the bookish type but the most charming. Like prince charming type. He is also the ladies guy. The boy that Hannah is clinging into is Brandon Davis. He is Hannah's boyfriend. Well more like a play thing if you asked me."

The royalties passed by Drake and Sarah. They followed them with their eyes until they enter the double black door at the end of the corridor. "That's the Royal Playroom." Sarah motioned for the double door. Drake glance at her for a second then look at the closed double door again. "It's a room with six adjoining rooms and a huge living room with a conference type table at the side. It also has a gourmet kitchen with the royalty's personal chef. They didn't go to the cafeteria." Sarah looks at the double door also. "Let's continue with our tour, shall we?" Drake nodded.

Sarah and Drake went to different places in the academy. Drake learned that there are also stables inside the academy grounds; you need to ride a golf cart first when you want to go there. Each royalty has their own horses. There is also a polo club and Drake was excited to hear that there is also an archery club.

Sarah and Drake went to their separate ways when their tour is finally over. Drake spends the rest of the day attending his classes.

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