annoying asses

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??? Pov
?: aye yall want to play truth or dare?
?: hell yeah
?: fasho
?: yeah
?: aight bet, Justin truth or dare?
J: dare
?: i dare you to go trip one of them girls that bumped into us
J: Dejuane why would i do that?
D: because they need to pay
J: aight man
Then he went over to where the girls were and tripped one of them and walked of we just laughed
J: kayy truth or dare
K: dare
J: i dare you to ask your crush out
K: fuck you
He went ask he crush out and she said yes
K: andre truth or dare
A: truth
K: is it true you have a crush on the principle?
A: uh...
D: nasty bitch
A: anyways Dejuane truth or dare
D: dare
A: i dare you ask one of those girls out get them pregnant then leave
D: bet, but. Im gone do it after school is out
A: aight

Y/n pov

Me and the girls were just chilling minding our own business when one of the boys who we bumped into came over and tripped heaven and walked away i looked over to where he walked back to and seen his friends laughing

R: come on lets go to class
We walked in the class room and everyone was staring AGAIN

T: well why don't you introduce yourselves
R: well my name is Reniyah Ellis and im 18 i moved from jersey and i live with my sister and bestfriends
Liyah: im Aaliyah Ellis and im 17 and im also from jersey thats all you need to know for now
A: well my name is anisha Roberts and im 18 and im from jersey too
H: my name is heaven and im 17 and im from jersey also

Truth Or Dare/ dejuane mccoyWhere stories live. Discover now