Chapter 9

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You guys finally get to the store you guys get out. Nat takes Widow with her and you get your purse. You guys head into the store and Nat says "Where is the popcorn actually?" You say "It's somewhere near the back so come on." You start walking and she follows you. She is petting Widow and you are looking at the signs until you see the word "popcorn" you go down the aisle and get some popcorn. Nat is coming and a man approaches you and says "Hey there." You say "Um hello." The man says "You're pretty thick and hot. How about I take you to my place." You cut him off and say "Babe! This man is creeping me out!" Nat comes up behind you and the man says "Bl-black widow." She looks at him and says "That's my name. Now leave my girlfriend alone." The man quickly runs away and you say "Thank you. Oh yeah I got the popcorn!" She smiles and you guys check out.
Back at your apartment
You open the door and you walk in. Nat walks in after you and she sets Widow down. You walk over to you microwave and set you keys on top of it. You put the popcorn in the microwave and start it. Nat comes up behind you and you say "Ok so do I cook this the whole time? Or do I stop it at." She stops you by covering your mouth. You are confused but stand there. She whispers in your ear "Be quiet." You raise and eyebrow and she goes back behind you still covering your mouth. You feel something touch your neck and you look. Nat was kissing your neck. Next thing you knew she gripped your waist making you able to talk. You say "Geez Nat." She chuckles and keeps going. You grab her hands and relax. You and Nat get scared when you hear a knock at your door. Nat backs off of you and you go open the door. It was Tony and of course he brung the team. You said "Hey! You brung Nat's phone?" Tony looks at you and so dose everyone else. He says "Yeah. I see you guys were a little bored without her phone." You look confused and Steve says "Your neck idiot." You notice and say "NATASHA!" She comes up to the door and says "Yeah?" She notices your neck and laughs. Tony hands you her phone and you snatch it. You slam the door and put Nat's phone down and you say "Listen her little lady." You stand on one side of the table and she stands on the other side. She says "Yes my dear?" You lean closer to her and say "You are a very bad girl. I will not be giving you your phone tonight!" Nat says "Ok. I'll find other ways to entertain myself." You roll your eyes and say "Ok whatever. We are watch the movie and you are keeping your hands to yourself." She chuckles and leans in and kisses you. You walk back over to the microwave and get the popcorn. You walk over to the couch and Nat follows you. You sit on the couch and Nat stops. She says "Let me go get a blanket." You nod and turn the tv on. She comes back and sits on the couch with you. She puts the blanket on the both of you and you lay you head on her shoulder. You say "What do we watch?" Nat thinks then says "Close your eyes." You sigh and close your eyes. You feel the remote being taken out of your hands and then you hear Nat clicking the buttons on the remote. She says "Open." You open your eyes and see "Series of Unfortunate Events." You say "What's that?" Nat looks at you and says "I don't know it's a tv show we can watch together." You shrug and she turns it on. You say "This better be good." She rolls her eyes and the intro starts.
Hours later
(You guys are on the second season)
You are singing and dancing "LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY!" Nat says "Y/n you need to chill out. Plus we need to go to be it's almost midnight." You lean down in her face and say "No. We are finishing this show." Nat slaps her forehead and turns the tv off. You turn to her and start screaming "TURN IT BACK ON! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO RHE QUAGMIRES! NAT PLEASE I NEED TO KNOW!" Nat stares at you and says "You're insane. We can just watch it in the morning." You snatch the remote out of her hands and she says "Y/N!" She grabs part of the remote and you both start pulling on it. You scream "NAT LET GO AND LET ME WATCH THE SHOW!" Nat screams back "Y/N ITS ALMOST MIDNIGHT YOU CAN WATCH IT IN THE MORNING!" Nat's phone rings and she lets go of the remote to answer it and you say "I AM VICTORIOUS!" Nat says "One second. Y/N SHUT UP FOR A SECOND!" You cover your mouth and turn the tv back on. Nat says "Yeah sorry hey Bruce." She keeps talking to Bruce and you watch the show. Nat hangs up 5 minutes after she answered and grabs the remote. She turns the tv off and says "Come on we are going to sleep." You stand up and try grabbing the remote again. She pushes you back and you hit the ground. Nat yells "CRAP!" You start rubbing your head and saying "Ow ow ow!" She bends down next to you and says "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to push you that hard." You nod and say "It's fine." She helps you up and you say "Well now I can't go to sleep for 2 hours." Nat sighs and says "We can watch the show."

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