chapter 5 | Virgin.

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We finally made it to Melody Lane, we all got out of the car and immediately our lungs where filled with the smell of weed and petrol.
" Well, Chip was right, this definitely isn't a club. " said Needy looking at Jennifer.
" Needy it doesn't matter, just stop complaining. " said Jennifer with an annoyed tone.
Needy looked at me and widened her eyes causing me to smile.
We all followed Jennifer into the pub as I sprayed some more perfume on me. As soon as we went in we where met with dozens of old men's eyes on  us, we obviously ignored it.
" ugh, I cannot wait until I'm old enough to get waisted. " said Jennifer excitedly.
" Hey Jennifer, you look really pretty. " said this jock named Craig, I didn't really know much about him I just knew he was friends with the ' biggest guy in school '.
" What's up Craig. " said Jennifer laughing, me and needy forcefully giggled a bit since it was quite awkward.
" He thinks he's cute enough for me, that's why he's is fucktard math. " Jennifer said which actually made Needy giggle a bit.
" Hey it's Ahemt from India, that foreign exchange guy. " said needy leaning on a half wall.
" hm, I wonder if he's circumcised, I always wanted to try a sea cucumber. " said Jennifer while me and Needy laughed.
" ew. " I said after I'd stopped laughing.
" Jennifer Check, you shouldn't poison yourself with that shit. " said a guy snatching the cigarette from in between Jennifer's lips. I had never seen him before but obviously Jennifer knew him pretty well.
" well, that is unless you want me to arrest you for possession. " he said smiling.
" You're gonna arrest me? You're not even out of the academy yet, Roman. " said Jennifer completely unimpressed.
Me and Needy decided to walk off and let Jennifer and Roman have their own little conversation.
Me and Needy roamed around for a bit until her phone rang.
" Hello? Who is this? " said Needy.
" um, hi, it's Colin from your English class, I was wondering if you were with y/n? " said Colin with hope in his voice.
" oh uh yeah, why, what's up? " said Needy with a weird look on her face.
" we'll I was trying to call her and she wasn't answering her phone, I had to tell her something, could you give her the phone for me please? " Colin said quickly.
" oh yeah sure. " said Needy passing the phone to me and mouthing ' its Colin ' when I had the phone in my hand.
" hey Colin! " I said with a tone of excitement in my voice, that doesn't happen when I usually talk to boys.
" I just wanted to let you know that someone else is going to help me with my math homework so you don't have to worry about blowing the study session off again. " he said sort of sternly but softly at the same time.
" oh..I was totally gonna go tomorrow though. " I said with disappointment.
" I know but you've been blowing this off for 6 days..I just needed help with it. But um, I'm gonna go now so have fun on your night out. " he said before immediately hanging up.
I sighed and gave the phone back to Needy, just in time for Jennifer to walk over to us.
" what's up with you y/n? Why do miserable all of a sudden? " Jennifer said with soft yet kinda of rude tone.
" it's nothing, let's go get drinks yeah? " I said smiling heavily.
" um, not yet y/n, I wanna go and meet the lead singer, you know, the extra salty one. " Jennifer said with a wink, me and Needy nodded and followed her to the small and shabby stage where low shoulder was setting up.
" uh hi, we just wanted to meet you or something, I'm Jennifer Check and these are my friends. " Jennifer said giggling.
" Hi, I'm Nikolai. This is uh, these guys are my band. " the man said awkwardly.
" Low shoulder. Yeah, we've heard- I've heard about you. " Jennifer blurted out in a swoon.
" You play your instruments like, really super good. " she said giggling again.
" Thank you. We are professionals. " he said with an awkward giggle.
" hey sorry, could I ask you a question? " Needy said, with a curious look on her face.
" Um, why would you wanna play all the way out here in devils kettle? " Needy said very curiously, me also wondering why they wanted to play out here.
" You live in the city right? " I asked.
" yeah, but, you know, I think it's really important sometimes to try and connect with our fans in the shitty areas too. " he said, sounding like a complete douche.
" that's amazing. " Jennifer said completely hypnotised by him.
" Can I, um- can I buy you a drink? " Jennifer giggled, me and Needy shooting her a look of ' wtf '.
" Sure, what are we having? " Nikolai said smiling.
" They have this really awesome 9/11 tribute shooter. It's red, white and blue, but you have to drink it really fast or it turns brownish. " Jennifer blurted out excitedly.
" All right, well, we'll drink it fast. " he said cornily.
" Okay.....okay I'll be right back. " She said getting ready to walk to the bar.
" Hey , how are you going to get alcohol? " I questioned.
" Um, I'll just play hello titty with the bartender. " She said walking off.


" Good evening, Devil's Lake! " said Nikolai into the microphone.
" it's Devil's kettle! " I shouted out, annoyed at his cockiness.
" Fuckin'- A right, it is! " he said , giving me a dirty look afterwards, me giving one back of course.
" All alone in an empty room,
Nothing left
but the memories
Of when,
I had my best friend.
And I don't know
how we ended up here,
I don't know
but it's never been so clear.
We made a mistake, dear
And I see,
The broken glass
in front of me,
I see,
Your shadow hanging over me
And your face, I can see,
Through the trees,
I will find you,
I will heal,
The ruins left inside you.
'Cause I'm still here breathing now,
I'm still here breathing now,
Until I'm set free.
Go quiet through the trees,
And I remember
how we used to talk,
About the places we would go
when we grew up,
And all that we were gonna find,
And I remember
watching our seeds grow,
And how you cried when you
saw the first leaf show- " Nikolai sung, quite beautifully, until we heard some people scream.
There was a massive fire spreading extremely quickly.
" EVERYONE RUN! " some man screamed from the back of the bar.
" We can't get through there! " Needy panicked.
" C'mon! I know where to go! Needy grab Jennifer! " Needy grabbed Jennifer by the wrist and followed me into the bathroom where the sticker toilet was, I opened the small window above the toilet and slid through it, as did Needy and Jennifer.
Jennifer had no expression on her face which is when Needy started to panic about her.
" Hey. Hey, Jen?? " Needy said panicking.
" Jennifer? Oh, thank god you guys are alright! I've been looking for you everywhere. " Nikolai said taking a spit of some sort of alcohol, of course he had time to get booze.
" Listen, it's really dangerous out here, you wanna head to some place safer, like my van? " Nikolai said to Jennifer, Jennifer still not answering and having no emotions on his face.
" What? " I said in disbelief.
" Look, I'm in survival mode right now, and I want us to get to a familiar place, and right now I feel like that place is my van, ok? " He said with the most disgusting tone in his voice.
" Okay this ones in shock, great. Are you in shock Jennifer? Here have some of this. " He said basically shoving a cup into her face, forcing her to have a sip of whatever was in the cup.
" Let's go Jennifer! Let's go to the van. " Nikolai said helping Jen up.
" I wanna go to your really cool van, Needy, y/n let's go see his van. " Jennifer said still in shock.
" Why! Why should we! " Needy said frustrated.
" We have the Sebring. Let's just get out of here! Please? " I said, not wanting Jennifer to get into the van.
" Y/n, stop it! Just, shut up. " Jennifer said and Nikolai let her into the van.
Me and Needy watched the van door close, and we knew something awful was going to happen.

A/N : Hi!! I'm so sorry to not updating! My account locked me out for ages but I've gotten back in now! I should we writing chapter 6 very soon so yeah! Thank you to everyone who voted and commented<33


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