[5] - Well, THAT went well.

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Well, THAT went well.


I'd never felt like this in my entire life.

I felt like a love-struck teenager. I kept rolling around in my bed, thinking about Rory and feeling my chest ache and my stomach roil with dancing butterflies.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

What was he doing to me? My mind seemed to replay every single moment we'd spent together throughout the past month, highlighting little details I'd refused to notice before. Like how he mentioned his love for strawberries, so when I went out to do some shopping for myself, I'd always get him a pack. Or how he mentioned how he loathed that pomegranate scented dish washing soap and I'd immediately gotten rid of it to buy a new one. That smelled like strawberries. Because he had a strawberry shampoo and – and I'll totally pretend I didn't notice, but Rory's favourite thing in the whole world was strawberries, which I thought was really fucking cute for some reason –

I'd thought these were the qualities of a great housemate – and yeah, they probably were – but now, looking back, I'd only done it so I could see that pleased smile on his face.

I was such a fucking sap. My thoughts returned to last night, to our date. The way he ate popcorn should be a sin. It made him lick his lips and his fingers and I'd tried not to react to that like a freaking pervert.

And that kiss. Fuck me to hell and back. How could he not see or believe in the passion between us? It was fucking explosive! Did he think I was using him for sex or something? Perhaps I didn't make it clear that I wanted him to be my...my boyfriend.

The word made the butterflies in my tummy fucking swarm.

And he was right – my admission was pretty sudden. I'd be suspicious too. But I knew I had to be persistent. I had to show him I was being honest. If he kept telling me to fuck off, then I'd have no choice but to back off.

Fuck, the thought alone made me feel like ripping my hair out.

When I arrived at Uni, I realized he'd been avoiding me all day. And I because I was a werewolf now – my emotions seemed to be amplified a thousand fold. I wanted to cry and rage in frustration at the intense emotions rushing through me, and I was brimming with so much anger I felt like I was going to explode. I was angry because a day ago I was actually happy that I was a werewolf. I actually liked that I could tell Rory's emotions. I was excited because I loved all the intense emotions I felt when I only just looked at him.

But now, I was fucking pissed because I hated the pain and the difficulty. I didn't think I'd ever been rejected this hard in my life, and I wasn't taking it like a grown adult. I felt like a little kid being told no for the first time.

The thoughts made me remember how Rory's scent got hundred times more intense when he was pissed, and it had taken a lot of effort to keep my brain on the right track. I just wanted to gobble him up when his scent went all sharp and spicy like that. Fuck.

Suddenly, I felt weird and my body began to thrum with slight pain. I felt my bones literally shifting inside me, and my eyes grew wide when I saw that my nails were growing.

I quickly stumbled out of my lecture hall and ran towards the forest at the back of the building, growling and panting hard. What was happening? I thought Jack said I'd experience my first full shift during the full moon?

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