Chapter 2

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Mila POV

"W-where did you get that" I said as I pointed to the thing in Haruki's hand

"This? Haruki said as she held up the book

I nodded

"I got it from the attic! Why do you ask"

"N-No reason a-at all dear! D-Don't w-worry about it!"

{Shit! She found the book! I should have burned it!Uh! I'll just burn it when she's sleeping.}
Haruki Komi's POV

OK WHAT IS GOING ON!!! MRS.MILA IS ACTING NICE TO US!!! Oh wait there are people behind her. Of course. Always trying to put on a good impression. What did I expect?

"Do you know where Yūji is?" Mrs.Mila asks

Um yeah Yūji is in the lab. But do you know where Tai is? I'm gonna bring her to the lab with me. I ask

"Oh yeah Taichi is in the kitchen cooking for the quadruplets." Mrs.Mila says

Ok thank you. I say as I was about to walk off

"Wait Haruki before you go, do any of you boys wanna go with this young lady?" She says to me before pausing and looking back and finishing her sentence.

"Um, I guess Me, Hayato and Daishō could go?" A boy with dirty blonde hair says.

"Me too!And if I'm going then my Bros are gonna come with me!" A boy with Black bedhead hair says.

"Yeah!" A boy who is standing next to the bedhead haired dude yells.

"HELL YEAH!!!" a boy with a buzz cut and a boy with a mohawk that's bleached yells.

{I feel like they would get along very well With Noya}

"Ew! No, I'm not going somewhere with a cat! A guy with Green hair says

"Fine I'll go with you guys" a very very very tall boy with light brown hair says

"Same" Says a boy with black hair covering one eye standing who is also standing next to the tall boy.

"Actually same" Another guy with a buzz cut says

Ok? Just follow me. I say as I was walking away hugging the book.

After I said that, all 10 boys followed me down the hallway.

Maybe I should ask Enno, Shō, Kino and Kō for help? Yeah I'm gonna do that. But wherever Kō goes Yūki will probably go? Eh whatever.

I first need to ask a few people to help me with something so I'm gonna need to stop by the Library, The kitchen and the gym. I tell the boys that are behind me.

"Ok sure" One of the boys said. I don't bother looking behind me because one of the boys is actually kinda cute and I don't wanna fall in love.

Konoha POV

Just as we were about to walk around a corner the girl I assume called Haruki Komi stopped us and told us to stay here until they were gone. I don't know who they are but I wanna find out.

Haruki Komi POV

I was about to turn a corner until I heard familiar voices... A Girl named Lily who is really shy and has anxiety(A Omega), The bully's also known as Mrs.Mila's favorites Karen, Bella and Daisy(Omega's).
[Everyone in the "Hospital" is either a Beta or an Omega]
I could hear Lilies' cries and trying to say stop.

I needed to show Karen, Bella and Daisy that they don't own the place and couldn't boss people around and hurt them. I quickly ran down the hall and to the right only to see A girl with Lavender hair and golden eyes against the wall with bruises all over her body and tears running down her face.

HEY! Leave her alone! I Yelled at the bullies.

"Well well well look who it is. Little Haruki Komi." Says Karen who is the leader of the pack.

Leave Lily alone or else!

Oh no I'm so scared. Bella says sarcastically.

They all start to walk closer to me.

"What are you gonna do? Yell for your Mommy? Oh wait I forgot! She abandoned you when you were 3!

I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I held them back from coming out.

Don't talk about my mother YOU BITCH!!! I yelled at them as I punched Karen's face.

After I punched Karen's face I could feel tears running down my face. I slapped Bella and kicked Daisy in the stomach and It...Felt...Good. I know I would get in trouble but still it was worth it.

As Karen and Bella rose from the ground I could see the punch and slap mark on their faces. They had to help Daisy up from the ground because of how hard I kicked her.

"You. Will. Regret that." Daisy huffed out.

After that tears had stopped running down my face. I wided the remaining tears off my face. I remember that Lily was hurt and needed to get treated for her wounds.

Lilly, are you ok?! I asked her as I ran over to help her up.

"Now I am thanks to you."

"Thank you for saving me from the bullies." Lily said as I helped her up.

Np. It's what we do. I said as I slung her arm around my shoulder.

Oh wait I forgot about the boys.

Boys who I don't know your name you can come out now and follow me. I say loud enough for them to hear me.

They all came and we all walked to the nurses office. I say that Enno, Shō, Kino and Keiji are there so I ask them for help to treat Lily's wounds.

Kuroo POV

What the girl just did to the people beating up the Lavender haired girl was so badass! It was so cool! But isn't the girl an Omega? Aren't Omega's supposed to be weak? I look over to see that Bokubro, Yamamoto and Tanaka are all frozen and all red.

Hey are you guys ok? I ask them while moving my hand up and down in front of Bokubro's face.

S-she's s-so p-pretty" I hear Bokubro stutter.

He's already falling for a random person? We still need to find out which Omegas are supposed to be our mates.

Sorry I haven't posted anything in a very long time. I was in the woods for almost half of my summer and my school is starting tomorrow so I might not post as often and I know often is like every 3 weeks or longer but I'm going to a new school so I need time to adjust to my schedule. Also I kinda got lazy and didn't do any fonts like I usually do(if you have ever read my other books they have different fonts). -Author~Chan

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