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(Almighty, I promised that I’d try to do a lemon if it was requested, and it has been requested. So, my lovely readers, here it comes. I do not own Kiba or any of the Naruto characters. The following is mature content so you know…PG13. I’m not going to click the actual mature button, so please use your own discretion.

This take place between the time that the two of you confess and the epilogue. This is in connection to my Forever Home Story. Enjoy!)

About two months had passed since Kiba and you had finally admitted your feelings for each other. The two of you had gone on a few double dates with Hinata and Naruto, and you’d even managed to drag Kiba for a double date with Ino and Sai. Most of your non-double dates had consisted of going to Ichiraku’s or just eating dinner at each-others place. Usually Kiba would try to get the dinners to be at your place, since Hana would usually join in at some point when dinner was at his place. The two of you had kissed several times and had had some intense make-out sessions, but the two of you had yet to do anything…further. The one time the two of you had tried, Sakura had nearly kicked your door down because she had an ‘emergency’. Her so called emergency had been her not knowing what to wear for her date with Sasuke later that evening.

Kiba had been sent on a mission just a few days later and he’d been gone for nearly a week.

You paced in front of the shop where Sakura had told you to meet her. She’d promised to buy you something to try to make up for interrupting before, but she was late. She’d told you to meet her there at 10am and it was nearly 11:30am. You were considering going looking for her, since you didn’t exactly want to be seen in front of the type of store she’d told you to be at. You glanced over your shoulder at some of the displays set up in the window and your face heated up. The mannequins in the window were all dressed in lacy, see-through, tiny slips of clothing and set up in ridiculous poses. Were poses like that what men found sexy? You really hoped not, cause you really couldn’t picture yourself in one of those poses without dying of embarrassment.

You were about to give up waiting and walk away when a voice called to you, “Y/n!” You turned to see your pink haired friend running towards you. When she got to you she was out of breath and she bent over to try to catch it. When she straightened up your eyes narrowed at her neck, covered in love marks and you noticed that her lips were slightly swollen and she had bags under her eyes. “Sorry I’m late, I overslept. I was…uh…up late last night heh heh.” You wanted to punch her in the face right then, but you held back. It wasn’t entirely her fault that you were feeling frustrated, but honestly, did she have to rub it in your face that she was getting ‘attention’ while you weren’t? You’d never really had much interest in adult activities, and had certainly never craved it before, but with Kiba it was different. You wanted him. All of him. And the fact that the two of you had been interrupted made the craving that much stronger.

You huffed out an irritated sigh and tried to force a smile onto your face, “It’s fine Sakura. So can I ask why exactly you wanted to bring me here of all places?” Sakura grabbed your arm and pulled you into the store, “Well I realized that I had maybe interrupted a certain…activity between you and Kiba when I got you to help me pick out an outfit, which, by the way, was a great pick. But anyways, I figured I’d buy you something that…might make your first time with him extra special.” She pulled you over to a rack with mostly pink outfits. You wrinkled your nose at them and she burst out laughing, pulling you over to some green outfits instead. You didn’t bother asking how she knew that the two of you hadn’t done anything yet, Sakura always seemed to know these types of things.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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