Chapter 5: Over Before It Started

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Jamal: Saturday Morning

8:44 AM

I jumped out of bed, and gasped. My heart was beating fast. My dream had scared me out of bed. I ran in my bathroom, opened the mirror, and noticed that I don't even have Adderall. My heart was still beating fast, so I went in the kitchen and poured me a glass of water.

Hakeem: Saturday Morning

10:13 AM

My mom and sister went back to Atlanta for the weekend, so Noah stayed the night. We went a couple rounds, and lasted most of the night. I thought I heard something in the house, but Ian think too much of it, so I went back to sleep. The next time I woke back up, Noah was giving me head. Ngl, ts felt so mfn good. I grabbed his arm and pulled him up to lay on top of me. I put my dick in him, and he immediately started moaning. We was going for about 5 minutes before we heard my room door open. Noah jumped off of me, and I sat up in the bed.

"Man.. Wtf yall got goin on!?" G asked.

I'm shaking atp. Noah hiding under the covers, I got out of bed to put on some shorts, and G walked out the room.

"Nigga, HOW TF YOU GOT IN MY HOUSE!?" I yelled.

"Matters how I got in, who tf is ole dude in yo bed!?" He yelled back.

I can feel my blood, and adrenaline, rushing through my body.


He walked out, and threw a key at me. Then I remembered... My mom always leaves a spare key under the plants on our porch.


10:36 AM

My soul damn near crawled out of my body. It took me a while to process what was happening. I was frozen, and couldn't move out of the bed. All I hear is Hakeem and whoever that other boy is arguing.

"Yall onnat fag shit!" The other boy yelled.

I heard the front door slam shut, Hakeem walked upstairs and stormed in the room.

"You gotta go!" He said.

"Who was that?" I asked.

He didn't answer me. He picked up some of my clothes and shoes off the floor, and put them in my bag. He threw the bag at me, and opened the door on my way out. I put on my crocs and started walking towards the door.

"Who was-" He cut me off.

"Can you go!?" He asked.

I went home, and took a shower. I got an email from my school talking about college tours. Ofc, I signed up for one.

9:06 PM

On my way home from work, my phone dings with a notification from Hakeem. The message pops up on the screen of my car.

"Listen.. I can't be seen with you nomo. That nigga from this morning, his name was G. And he told almost everybody out here, that he caught me with you. I told them he was lying, but they said as long as they don't see you, I'll be fine. As in I'll live. Them niggas is ready to kill me, so I gotta watch my back. We can still see each other, just not in public, or by anyone. And not at my house!" It read.

I had to pull over to make sure I wasn't seeing shit. I wasn't.

"Fuck that! I'm not hiding bc yo 'friends' dont want you with me!" I responded.

"Then we can't see each other at all nomo." He replied.

And just like that, It was over, even tho we were never together to begin with. It was cool messin around with him, but I didn't need him. And I damn sure wasn't finna sneak around and hide anything.

<<1 week later>>

Jamal: Thursday Afternoon

1:30 PM

I'm meeting Noah at Texas Southern for a camps tour. He texted me and told me he was already here so I just walked in. There were a lot of other people here, but I found Noah, and our group tour guides. We started walking down this long sidewalk called the 'Tiger Walk.' We got to this room where they were telling us who they are, and what we were gonna see on tour. But I caught some dude staring at me.

"Noah." I started whispering.

"Does it look like that dude over there staring at me?" I continued, whispering.

"Uhh.. yea. He prolly like you?" Noah said, giggling.

I looked up at Noah, and he stopped giggling.

"My bad..... too soon.." He said.

I looked over, and caught the same boy staring at me again. They told us that we could get some refreshments before they finished the introductions. I saw some fruit on the table and went to grab it, but that dude walked over to me, and started talking.

"Hey" He said.


"You umm-" He started, before I cut him off.

"Look bro, Ian on no gay shit. I'm just here to see the university and that's it." I said.

He looked at me, and reached behind me for some fruit.

"Igh.. But if you ever feel different, let me know" He wrote his IG on a napkin and put it in my pocket.

"@aintujay__"It said.

I seen him walk away, and sit down. I pulled out my phone and typed in his @. Scrolling down his page, he was fine asl. But, I put my phone and tried to forget about him, because last time I did sum with a dude it didn't go well. It was his turn to stand up and introduce himself.

"Wassup every body..." He started.

He looked at everyone in the group, before locking his eyes on me. Our eyes were locked on each other's the whole time he was standing up there.

"Why is he looking at you like that?" Noah asked me.

"Idk" I whispered.

3:00 PM

The tour ended with us going back to the room we started at. Everybody was grabbing more snacks and leaving. When I went up to the table to grab me something, so did the dude.

"So.. wassup with you?" He asked.

"Bro didn't I tell you-" He cut me off.

"Yea, I heard you, but when we made eye contact earlier, and throughout the toor... Whatever bs you said earlier went out the window..." He said.

Ian even know what to say at that point.

"What's yo IG?" He asked.

I gave it to him, and I told him that he can't tell nobody. He agreed, and we started texting as soon as I left campus.

"What you finna get into?"

"Nun much, finna go home and chill"

"What's ya name?"


"what's yours"

"I said mine earlier 😂"

"Ik but I forgot😂"


Jaylen was cool, I guess. We talked for the rest of that day, but it got dry after that. We aint know what to say.

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