"WAKEY, WAKEY" (Natasha)

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Summary: Natasha attempts to wake you up for early morning training, when you decide to test her limits and end up causing havoc in the compound while trying to hide from your girlfriend. (Fluff)
You always enjoyed mornings, getting to wake up to the sun shining on your face and laying in the warmth of your cozy little bed. It was your favorite part of the day... was. When you joined the avengers you quickly caught on that most people liked to get an early start to their day. Nobody ever minded the fact that you enjoyed sleeping in, that was until you started dating Natasha.

Natasha was always an early riser. She started her day with a shower and then left to do her training for the day, but when you started to fall asleep in her bed every night she made it a point that she would fix your sleep schedule by having you train with her. This meant that you now needed to be up and out of bed by 6:00 in the morning in order to have time to shower and train at 6:30. The thought of this made your teeth chatter.

The first couple days were alright. Natasha's alarm went off and you two would get up immediately, make the bed, and jump in the shower as to avoid the urge to hit the snooze button. Last night however was more energy exerting than most. You had gotten back from a mission that turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Needless to say, you were exhausted.

You jolted awake to the dreadful sound of Natashas phone buzzing and vibrating viciously on her bed side table. Her alarm was set to those chimes that are SUPPOSED to be peaceful, yet all they do is make you want to punch a wall and jump off a cliff at the same time. You swore you could feel the vibrations coming from the phone through the floor into the bed gently rattling your brain as you tried to drown it out.

"Ugh sssssshhh, Natasha turn that thing off already!"

You said while burying your head deeper into the pillow and pulling the blanket above your head. You did this while simultaneously pushing your body down as far as you possibly could, as to hide from your soon to be angry girlfriend.

"Wakey wakey it's time to trainey", Natasha gently said in a teasing tone. She knew just how much you hated waking up early and tried to be nice about waking you up successfully. But when she locked eyes with you while looking under the blanket and you pretended to have fallen back asleep, she began to get annoyed.

Natasha ripped the blankets from your grasp and quickly began peppering your face and head in kisses to distract you from the sudden punch of cold unwelcomed air that surrounded your body. Your reaction was a loud whine.

Once she heard the whine she stopped and abruptly began to shake you. You could have sworn that when you opened your eyes quickly in shock to her actions that you saw a smirk on her face. While she was midst shaking you, you decided it would be interesting to see how long you could keep this up.

Once she realized that the shaking wasn't going to work, you felt the bed shift as she stood up. You sighed in relief as you thought that that meant she was going to let you sleep in. Her getting off of the bed should have been warning enough for you to finally obey, because what came next was clearly not worth it.

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" exited your mouth as your girlfriend landed full force onto your chest.

"GET YOUR ASS UP!" Came from her mouth as she yelled close to your ear. But when you ignored her request she decided to give you a little more of a push.

"MMMMMM" You moaned a high pitched squeal as she planted her cold feet into the small of your back giving you tiny pushes to test the stability of the position she chose. Then she gave it her all.

An "AAAHHHH" Escaped your mouth as she forcefully and quite literally pushed you out of the bed. You hit the ground with a thud and moments after released an "oww". At this point you were up, there was no way you could go back to sleep now so you did the only thing that you thought to do at that moment. Test her limits.

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