A Freezing Summer

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Drasilia's Home (Yggdrasil), Earth

10,000 BCE

It was getting warmer. The Sun's rays finally felt warm for the first time in millennia. Drasilia spotted how a few trees have already begun healing and regrowing. The planet was heating up from a very cold time. From her home in Yggdrasil, Drasilia watched as Anhkor rushed towards her. She had a grin that was visible from a mile away, and Anhkor wasn't out of breath like most people would be.

A few minutes later, Drasilia heard a knock at the entrance. She left one of her many amber windows and headed down to the stump of her home. Just then, Anhkor released a large and audible amount of carbon dioxide. She may not have looked out of breath, but she did sure sound like she was.

Drasilia opened up the door to find her partner, still looking beautiful, albeit a bit light-headed. Her skin was more white than green. Her aura seemed to have weakened over time. And she soon collapsed on the floor, at Drasilia's feet.

Drasilia immediately rushed to her partner's aid and picked Anhkor up from the ground. She lit a small fire as she closed the door to keep out the cold. Anhkor also looked to be dehydrated. Drasilia made her sweet tree sap-water with cane and put her Ozone Blanket on Anhkor.

It took Anhkor another twenty minutes to wake up. Drasilia had done all she could think of to keep Anhkor warm and hydrated. Just then, she'd shown signs of activity. The fitted plank she layed on began to creak infrequently.

Drasilia took notice of this. And she walked over to the windowsill. Calling out to Anhkor.

"Anhkor, Anhkor, my love? Can you hear me? It's Drasilia."

Anhkor's eyelids began to quiver at the sound of Drasilia's name. Her breathing was getting faster. Her head tilted towards Drasilia, she opened her mouth slightly. Then, Anhkor raised her right arm with much effort, and put it on Drasilia's cheek.

This seemed to tell Drasilia that Anhkor was alright, but that she was just tired. Anhkor opened her eyes to look at Drasilia, and she was able to sit up against the window. A huge sigh of relief was breathed by Drasilia. Anhkor made an attempt to speak.

"S- Sil," she began, each vocal vibration had dedicated time and effort to be heard, "co- come h- here for a m- mo- moment."

Drasilia could tell that Anhkor was unwell, and it seemed that she knew it, too. 

"What do you need, my love?" Drasilia asked, "whatever it is, I'll do my best to help you."

But then Anhkor, with all of her strength, sat up and pulled Drasilia in for a kiss. Drasilia was shocked at first, but she didn't want to stop. After about ten seconds, they let go. Anhkor attempted to smile at Drasilia, but all she could do right now was lay against the cold, glass window and stare at her.

"I loved it, Kor. But I think I should focus on getting you better. Maybe I can have Atori to help you. Sound good?"

Anhkor nodded. The cold of the window finally got to her as she began to shake. Drasilia wrapped Anhkor's arm around her shoulder and tried to get her to walk to Drasilia's bed. Once she got there, Anhkor was asleep fast. She slept for another thirteen hours.

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