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I was just sat in my cell when alarms started going off and the door to my cell opened. I pushed myself off the bed and stuck my head out the door. Griggs came up to the door.

"You're activated, B. Come on." 

We walked down multiple corridors until this woman comes up to me with a needle in her hand.

"Stay cool, B. This is necessary." 

I pushed down the anger that had built up inside me when I saw the needle and tilted my head to the side so she can inject me. I hissed when she did.

"Injection successful. Location verified." The woman confirmed.

Griggs then leads me towards a plane. And gestures towards the plane. I walk in and most people eyes turn towards me. I sit down next to two guards.

Around two hours later, we get dumped at midway city airport. The voice of Rick Flag pierces through the crowds.

"Unlock 'em." He shouts.

"Hi boys." The queen of Gotham flirts. "Harley Quinn! How do you do? Huh! What was that? I should kill everyone and escape. Sorry. It's the voices. Kidding. That's not what they really said."

I giggle at her flirty tone.

"What do we got here? Twelve pounds of shit in a 10 pound sack. Welcome to the party, Captain Boomerang." He instantly jumps up and punches someone. I try not to giggle.

"Hey what's going on, man? Hey. One minute I'm playing mah-jong with me nanna then this red streak hits me outta nowhere." He obviously lies.

"Shut up! You were caught robbing a diamond exchange." Rick interrupts.

"I was not." He says offended.

Then another car pulls up. And a very tall man with dreadlocks comes out.

"Here comes Slipknot, the man who can climb anything. Wonderful."

He punches a woman who was by the car. Then smirked.

"She had a mouth."

Me and Harley both giggled at him.

"Listen up! In your necks, injection you got, it's a nanite explosive. It's the size of a rice grain but it's powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me and guess what? You die." Rick rambles.

"I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you." Harley confesses.

"Lady, shut up! This is the deal. You're going somewhere very bad  to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens, you're my problem." Rick says in disbelief.

"So was that like a pep talk?" Deadshot mocks.

"Yeah. That was a pep talk. There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in 10." Rick booms.

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson? He's like the gold standard, okay? Triangle, bitch. Study." Deadshot finishes.

I walk over to my trunk and open it and I almost squeal in excitement. I use my powers to switch my outfit into a white crop top, Blue denim shorts, black fishnet tights and a black and white denim jacket. I quickly braid my hair into a side braid. I reach into the trunk and pull out the very familiar neon green gem necklace that helps me control my powers. Then, I strap my belt on and place multiple knives into my belt and pockets. 

I jump as I hear a squeal behind me. I turn around and see Harley running towards me.

"Oh my god. This whole look is so cute. But there is something missing." She pulls a lipstick out of her trunk and grabs my face applying the lipstick on my lips. "Perfect." I smile at her.

"Won't fit anymore. Too much junk in the trunk?" Harley says to Deadshot.

"Nah. Every time I put this on, somebody dies." He replies.

"And?" I ask.

"I like putting it on." He answers back.

"Goody. Something tells me a whole lotta people are about to die." Harley giggles.

"Yeah. It's us. We're being lead to our deaths." Diablo comments.

"Speak for yourself, mate. Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off?" Boomerang mocks.

"Hey y'all might wanna leave old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right, ese?" Deadshot cuts off.

"Ain't got nothing to worry about from me. I'm cool, homie."

"Behold the voice of God." Rick says.

"For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT1 and get them to safety." Amanda speaks.

"I'm sorry. For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT1?" Deadshot asks.

"The only person who matters in the city, the one person you can't kill. Complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you. Remember, I'm watching. I see everything." She finishes.

"There's your pep talk." Rick sasses.

"Compared to your shit, she killed it. So that's it. What, we some kind of Suicide Squad?"

Completed//Part 1:Voodoo Queen- Suicide SquadWhere stories live. Discover now