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I'm trapped. That was it. I'm dead.
I turned around to face him...
I could barely see his face, but I was able to make out the smirk he had on his face. "Finally this chase has come to an end, wolfy," he spoke vividly.

I was shaking by now. I was really scared of what he might do to me.

I glanced at his gun and waited for him to lift it and point it at me. But he didn't. He noticed me looking at it and said "don't worry, I am not going to shoot you, I'm only going to take you with me."

How is that not worrying?!

I finally managed to speak. "Why are you taking me?" I was surprised my voice wasn't really shaky.

He laughed. "A fine one like you would make me filthy rich!" He croaked. "One of a kind too."

He then started moving towards me... I frantically searched around for an escape route but with no result. He practically blocked my only escape route.

Then I heard it. A gunshot.

I didn't get hit though, it wasn't me. I looked at the man in front of me. He wasn't the one who shot either. He has dropped his gun on the ground and now it lay silently beside him.

I looked up to see his face. From the moonlight, I was hardly able to make out the look of terror he had on his face. His mouth was open wide. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. It was a horrible view.

He dropped to his knees and then fell to the ground, face first. Behind him was an officer, who held out his torch and flashed it on my face. I put my hands out to cover the light, which hurt my eyes after being in the dark for a long time.

Then he asked, "hey kiddo, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? Didn't your parents try to stop you or something? Are you hurt?"

"First off, I am not a kid, I go to highschool," I said. "And.. no, I ain't hurt, thanks for helping me."

"Where are your parents? Let me take you to them."

"I ain't got ones." I then saw the look of worry and concern on his face. "I know my way home. I have to go now. Thanks again."

But before I went, he took my name and my school address. I then took off to my house which was just on the edge of the town. I kept glancing around me to make sure I wasn't followed. I was really nervous and panicky, so I quickened my pace.

It was quite a long walk home, but I was used to it. When I finally reached home, I went to my room and threw myself on the bed. I immediately fell asleep. That's how tired I was.

[Next Day]

I woke up the next day all tired and worn out from the events of yesterday. Most of my body was aching and hurt. Even my throat hurt.

I went to the kitchen and got out some cereal and started eating it while recalling the events from yesterday. The reason why I went out was to take some air. I have been thinking about my big brother who died a week ago, and how they found him dead near the forest.

Anyways, till now I still didn't understand what that man meant by "wolfy" and "special" and "one of a kind". But I thought I could just think about that later.

I got ready for school and took off.

Arriving at school I got to my lockers, got my books out and went to class, which was Mr .Kim's. I plopped my books on the desk and sat down. Mr.Kim then started describing molecular genetics. It was quite an interesting lesson. I sat listening intently.

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