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Mal-Yeah Benny boo
Ben-Dont you ever call me that
Ben-Because I am done
Mal-with the name
Ben-No with you ,because I love Audrey not you
Mal-What why
Ben-Because she is beautiful and has mind now LEAVE.
At the park crying
Mal-Why do people hate me ,what's wrong with me
Carlos-*sees mal crying *Hey Mal what's wrong why are you crying *sits next to her*
Mal-It's Ben ,he is done with me
Carlos-I am so sorry Mal
Mal-it's ok ,I am used to it
Carlos-Would you mind if I ask u something
Mal-Yeah sure
Carlos-You remember on isle when people used to bully me u used to save me and when my mom used to scold me u used to defend me
Mal-yea but what are you saying
Carlos-I sort of kinda have a crush on you
Mal-What ,since when
Carlos -since we met
Mal-why dint you tell me
Carlos- because I was scared
Mal-well u don't have to be scared because I like u to
Carlos-what really
Carlos-So do u think maybe we both can be together
Mal-Sure if u say so
Carlos-yes it's bed day ever *hugs mal*
Mal-*hugs back*
Carlos-Come on let's go for ice cream

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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