07: 𝐾𝑒𝑒𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑎𝑓𝑒

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Everything hurts. I tried so hard to open my eyes but they didn't want to open. My head hurts so bad. It feels like someone was constantly hitting it.

I never felt this bad.

I felt tears behind my eyes as the events that happened last night rushed back to me. The letter, the alcohol and then everything was blurry.

When I was finally able to open my eyes, I took in my surroundings. I recognized the room from last time I was in here.

"Good morning princess." I jumped a little when I heard that strong voice from behind me.

I turned around and saw Jungkook sitting on the other side of the bed with his phone in his hand, shirtless.

"Good morning. What time is it?"

"Ten. Come with me. I prepared you breakfast. You need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to eat Jisoo and after that, you will tell me what happened last night." I gasped when he told me that.

I didn't want to tell him what happened because I knew he will pity me. I knew that he will try to help me, but I didn't want any of those things. I just needed time to think what will I do next.

Jungkook picked me up bridal style and leaded us to the kitchen where the table was full of food. He filled my plate with bacon,eggs,waffles and fruits.


The next half an hour was spent in silence. Both of us didn't utter a single word. After we ate and cleaned the kitchen table, Jungkook led us to the living room

"Tell me what happened."

"I can't." I said after a few seconds.

"Jisoo, one way or another I'm going to find out what happened to you so you either tell me what happened or I will call someone and find out what happened."

I knew he wasn't lying. He was a billionaire for Gods sake he could find out anything he wanted.

I didn't know what to do. Could I let him help me because I know that's what he will do if I tell him. But at the same time I didn't want to be helped. I was on my own for a long time and I didn't need anyone's help.

"Jisoo?!" Jungkook's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"If I will tell you what happened you have to promise me something."

"What do I have to promise you?"

"To not help me. You have to promise me that you will not try to help me because I don't need your help."

"I can't promise you that."

"Then I can't tell you what happened."

"If I promise you that I won't help you then you will tell me?"

"Yes." I could see he was debating what to do.


"Ok?" I asked astonished.

"Yes. I promise I won't help you."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself to tell him what happened a few hours ago.

"Yesterday when I got home from work I saw a letter in front of my door. I didn't think it was important I actually thought that it was a mistake because I never get any mail ever, but it was with my name on it so I decided to read it. The letter was from someone I never heard of but apparently he knew my parents. They had barrowed a lot of money from him and didn't gave it back yet so now he wants me to pay for them but I cannot. They are a lot of money. It said that if I don't give the money back by the end of the month he will take me instead. And that combined with the memory of my lost parents made me broke down. So I started to drink and that's the last thing I remember." When I finished talking my cheeks were full of tears and my hands were shaking.

Jungkook took me by surprise when he wrapped his strong arms around me making me feel as safe as I never felt.

"What's his name? What is the name of the guy that threatened you?"

"I can't remember all of it." I said between my tears and hiccups.

"Tell me what you remember."

“Oh Se... And that's all I

"Oh Sehun.”

"Yes. That was his name. Do you know him?"

"I wish I didn't. He is my biggest rival and he's the CEO of Oh Corporations. We hate each other."

That didn't help at all. The fact that he was a powerful man didn't make me feel better.

"How much money do you have to give him?"

"500.000 dollars."

"Jisoo, you have to let me help you. I know you don't want my help but you cannot take care of this on your own."

I was speechless. I knew that it was close to impossible to face this problem on my own, but I hated relying on someone else. I was always on my own even when my parents were still alive. They loved me and took care of me but I never told them about my problems I always figured it out on my own.

This time it's different. I knew I had to give in because I would much rather be helped than be held captive by some unknown man.

"Ok." I said looking at the floor avoiding looking in his eyes.


"I will let you help me. I know that there is no way that I will be able to do it on my own. But I don't want you to use your money for this. I still have some money and I can get a new job maybe or I could-"

Jungkook didn't let me finish. He took my cheeks between his hands and kissed me.

A kiss that took my breath away. I wanted more, I wanted him, no, I needed him. I needed him to take my mind of everything that had happened to make me think only about him and about what he will do to my body.

But before we could take it further he pulled away from me leaving me hanging and wanting more.

"If I want to spend my money on you then I will princess and you can't do anything about it. And don't even think about paying anything to that filthy piece of shit."

"But Jungko-."

"If you dare to say anything else I will punish you baby girl. I will spank your beautiful, pale ass until it's bruised and you will not be able to sit down properly for a week."

I knew that his words leaved no room for any arguments. I needed to trust him right now because my faith was in his hands and that didn't scared me at all. Actually it made me feel safe because I knew that Jungkook will do anything to keep me safe.

Anything, and that made my heart skip a beat.

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