[Chapter 6]: Butterfly Effects

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-3rd Pov-

Several days has pass since the Vale incident. The Grimms that was supposed to destroy the city was wiped out by Atlas Security Force and some huntsmen.

Due this sudden attack, the Atlas send more reinforcement into Vale and temporary ceasing all events.

Beacon Tower

Ironwood: That was a close call Ozpin.. too close!

Ozpin: Calm down James, nothing serious happened.

Ironwood: It would have if my men weren't there! This city would have fallen along with the Academy.

Ozpin: Yes James calm down and from what you told me, is it true that one of your soldier contacted the fleet from west, where the Grimm was suppose to came from?

Ironwood: Yes that's right but I don't remember dispatching a lookout to the west.

Ozpin: Someone in the shadow is helping us I want to know who and why.

Ironwood: Does it matter he saved the city and the academy.

Ozpin: Yes, but let's not forget.

Ozpin tap a button on his desk which then a hologram appear. It was a Vedio of several buildings and mountains destroyed.

Ozpin: There are still a few people we don't seem to know about.

Ironwood: Report said that it was cause by some dust explosion accident.

Qrow: Which is false.

Qrow, who came out of nowhere joins in between them.

Ironwood: Qrow! Did you get any info from our prisoner?

Qrow: That girl was literally mute! She won't say a word! I tried to temp her with ice cream, it almost work but she resist it.

Ironwood: Ice cream?

Qrow: Yes ice cream.

He takes out his flask and drank from it.

Ozpin: It can't be help, tell me Qrow don't you think it's abit intriguing that you met her in combat?

Qrow: Yea, one of Ironwood's man contacted me for assistance. So much for Atlas Special Force can't even take a little girl.

Ironwood wasn't to happy that Qrow was mocking his soldiers. After  they successfully protected the kingdom form Grimm.

Ozpin: But she is quite skilled which makes me question, white did the Atlas your assistance specifically?

Qrow: What do you mean?

Ozpin: That girl is quite a handful from what I've seen, no ordinary huntsmen can apprehend her like you did.

Ironwood: You're say that someone purposely called Qrow, because they know that only he would be able beat her?

Ozpin: Precisely... And I suspect it's the same person who contacted your fleet.

Qrow: Now that's..... surprising....

Ozpin: Now there is several more things I want to discuss with you, first of all these three.

The hologram showed the picture of 3 people. Emerald, Mercury and Cinder.

Qrow: They are the ones who attack the fall maiden. To think that they would be right under our noses and none of us realize it.

Ozpin: The person who reported them also seem to know their abilities.

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