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i’ve cried over junpei fanart for the past two hours , now im writing this to make myself happier <3 ( hope it makes you guys happy too. ) excuse my english.

— ITADORI was bored. absolutely bored. he sat on his bed, feet softly kicking against the wooden floor from time to time while his eyes stared at the clock located over his desk.

saturday’s were never that boring, but today was different. he would've annoyed megumi or nobara already but both of them were busy that day. nobara had told him that she finally got maki to agree on a date with her. yuuji was happy for both of them - their mutual pinning and feelings were so obvious to everyone.

megumi on the other hand decided to hang out with panda and inumaki - the pink haired boy didn't catch what they were planning to do, but they left their dorms earlier that day. he'll make sure to ask them what they did when they'd come back.

a small huff left itadori’s lips as his body turned to the side, comfortably resting on his warm bed. “what to do.. what to do”, he mumbled quietly. he could go and see if one of the other students is free, but he wasn't that close to those who were at the school right now.

he had talked to both mahito and sukuna a few times, but itadori didn't want to hang out with them right now. they could be nice - sometimes - but he'd rather not be around them when nobara and megumi aren't there with him too.

gojo, nanami and geto were out too, so there really was no one that he could hang out with. the only option he had was taking a walk all by himself. itadori usually didn't like to be alone, but there was no way he would stay on this bed and stare against the wall all day long.

he got up from his bed a little too fast, so his head started spinning for a few seconds. he held his head and tried to focus until it stopped. itadori always forgot that this happens when you get up too fast after laying down.

the pink haired male left after getting a little extra money - he wasn't sure if he'd get food from a small restaurant later or wait till he got back to the academy - and comfy clothes. maybe something good would happen while he took his walk ? who knows.

his eyes focused on a bunch of flowers and small insects next to the sidewalk he was on. strangely, this calmed him down. it was so peaceful to him. he enjoyed it. yuuji smiled slightly and kicked a few pebbles around - until he heard someone curse out a quiet 'ouch'.

he immediately looked to the side and noticed a person rubbing their head. at first, itadori didn't understand what happened but when he did, he quickly made his way over to the dark haired person. yuuji had accidentally kicked one of the pebbles against the others head.

'of course this had to happen', he whined in his head, while his body moved on its own, crotching down next to the unknown person. “im so sorry, i didn't mean to kick that pebble against your head ! are you okay ? does it hurt a lot ? god im so stupid” he seemed to take no breath while he bombarded the other with his words and questions.

the dark haired boy stared at him for a few seconds before he let out a quiet, yet relieved sigh. “its.. uh fine, don't worry” he mumbled and rubbed over the spot no the back of his head. yuuji just stared at him after he finally looked him into the face, wondering why the boy in front of him had looked so frightened at first.

woah. pretty boy...

itadoris cheeks flushed a little as he noticed what had went through his mind just a few seconds ago. his inner voice was right tho - the boy in front of him was so pretty. his hair looked really soft and he had those pretty eyes - well one was covered by his hair but that didn't make them less pretty. his facial features were stunning too. itadori couldn't stop staring at him as his thoughts ran wild.

“are you okay.. ?” the others question pulled him out of his very interesting thoughts. yuuji nodded slightly, before collecting his mind.

“oh yeah ! im fine, totally absolutely fine.”

oh he wasn't. he just kicked pebbles at one of the prettiest people he had ever met ! how embarrassing. so much for a wonderful, relaxing walk, huh ? “im itadori yuuji ! again, im so sorry, i really didn't mean to hurt you”

the pretty boy just continued to stare at the flushed boy, before a small chuckle left his lips. “its fine, really.. im uh.. junpei. yoshino junpei. nice to meet you.. ?” the last part came out as a question.

yuuji gave the other another nod, while he handed him his hand. “mhm ! nice to meet you.” junpei looked down on his hand, hesitating a little before he shook the pink haired boys hand. he seemed to be so nice and genuine. junpei hardly ever met someone like itadori before.

“can i sit here ? you seem to be lonely.” yuuji gave him one of his big, signature smiles and sat down next to junpei after seeing him nod his head a little at his question. maybe they could be friends ? itadori surely wouldn't mind.

“soooo...”, the pink haired male started, his eyes focused at the boy next to him. “what are you doing here ?” his voice had a tone of curiosity in it. itadori always had been rather curious about literally anything that was around him. sometimes it was good, sometimes it wasn't - it depends on the moment.

it took junpei a while to answer his question, but when he did, the black haired boy kept his voice low. “i didn't want to be at home.. and im waiting for a movie to start.” he explained, his eyes slightly sparkling at the word 'movie'.

itadoris eyes widened a little, before a small grin appeared on his face. he loved to watch movies, so hearing that the other probably liked them too made him very happy. “which one are you waiting for ?” he asked.

“its called psycho. it's a very old horror movie that they show in the cinema, a few minutes from here, today. it's one of my favorites.” yuuji could hear and see how junpei must enjoy movies. his voice got louder and his face started to soften and relax a little - it wasn't as tense as before.

itadori listened to him and nodded, before placing his hands down on his knees. “i love horror movies, they're one of the best ! are you going with friends or alone ?” junpei’s facial expressions changed almost immediately. yuuji didn't really know why, so he thought he said something wrong or was too hyper and loud for the other.

“ah.. no, im watching it alone. i...”, junpei stopped for a few seconds and let his eyes wander around the river in front of them. “i don't really have friends. so im watching it alone.”

itadori was confused. he had thought that someone like junpei would've been gifted with a few - if not a lot of friends. the pink haired male kept quiet, before a random idea popped up in his head. 'maybe.. oh yeah !'

“i can go and watch the movie with you” he blurted out, not thinking about anything else. he made up his mind - watching a movie in a local cinema with someone he had just met sounded way better than hanging around alone, not knowing what to do.

junpei was a little surprised at the others sudden loud, determined voice. people never had wanted to watch a movie with him - they always ignored or bullied him to keep themselves entertained. he had tried to put a movie appreciation club together but it didn't work out. who would join a club from someone like him anyway ? surely there was no one who'd do that.

“oh.. really ? you don't have to”, he mumbled as his fingers rubbed over the back of his head. he wasn't sure what to think of itadori - the only thing he knew was that the other must be a very nice person. “oh i have to ! watching movies alone is stupid and absolutely no fun. we're watching it together”

itadori grabbed junpei by one of his hands, before he pulled the other up from the ground. he made sure that the dark haired male didn't get hurt in the process - yuuji really didn't want him to be hurt by his stupid carelessness again.

“lets watch that movie !!”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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