Cammie (OC)

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There most likely won't be any sort of pictures of my OC's, mostly because I honestly can't draw to save my life. And I haven't really found any kind of other app to try and make them, so you're gonna have to try and imagine it whenever I at least attempt to be descriptive with my characters. Anyway, all/most of the stuff for Cammie is now below here:

Cammie is one of my newest OC's, at least for Transformers, but that doesn't mean that I hadn't already thought of almost everything for her. And one final thing, do not steal any of my OC's, nor can you use them for something, unless you decide to ask for permission.


The Femme is some kind of Vehicon, and when she was first created/onlined, she had practically looked like every other Vehicons that had been present at the time. Except for the occasional silver Seeker Vehicons. Cammie had been created a good while before the war had started, so it was still pretty much peaceful, and she never just knew about War her entire life and hadn't been fighting since the beginning or something.

One thing that she had always hated was the fact that so many others either didn't like Vehicons, or they just think that they are mindless drones, and don't have any sort of emotions. In one way or another, Cammie had always been trying to prove that they were wrong about that, even way before the war had started, it was just a little goal of hers.

It had been during one of these little things when she had met Soundwave, who at the time still had the rest of his minicons—and had also still been fighting as a gladiator for some time. Cammie honestly wasn't sure how it happened, and she isn't exactly complaining either, but the two of them had eventually managed to become friends.

The only reason for Cammie ever deciding to join up with the Decepticons instead of the Autobots, was simply because she was worried about what might happen to Soundwave there. Along with the Femme worrying a little about the rest of the Vehicons, who had also joined the Decepticons a while before her.

Except for the other Vehicons and Soundwave, one of the only other Decepticons on the Nemesis that Cammie ever exactly got along with/liked, had been Knockout, and surprisingly Predaking. For many reasons, but one of them being because just like Soundwave, they treated her with emotions.

For whatever reason, Cammie had never even met Dreadwing before. But she most likely would have gotten along with him, maybe not being close enough like friends, but Cammie would have somewhat liked him.

I'll be using the seasons as examples for a few things, such as for this new fact. It would have been halfway through season 1, or directly at the season 1 finale, when she finally decided to change herself up a bit... and when I mean 'a bit' I mean by a lot. She got a new paint job and a few other things, mostly with the help of Knockout.

Now, with her new look, the main color (and the only part she kept as her 'old self') was black, while her secondary colors were gold and blue. Like I mentioned earlier, I'm not exactly good with describing things like this. But she would have decided to have some sort of gold pattern on one side of her, and a blue pattern on the other side of her. If that even makes sense, along with a few other small things, such her servos/hands becoming blue as well, but she still tends to experiment with colors and everything now and then. Her optics are also a dark green, while she wears a much lighter blue face mask/plate that she can take off.

Now, with personality... she would be best described as an introvert, or possibly an ambivert. And even though she doesn't mean to be or for it to happen, Cammie is easily distracted and/or confused by many things. Sometimes, she'll apologize for it, frequently. The Vehicon actually tends to occasionally write in her free time, whether it's from boredom (which is a lot while on the Nemesis) or because she's genuinely interested in it. Cammie can get easily stressed out though, and might have some self-doubt.

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