A small Prologue

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"Hey Haddy!"

The silence echoed in the void-like room, "... yes?" Came a reluctant voice

"I'm boreddd!"

"So what? You're always bored, and I have work to do."


"*sigh*, no buts. I need to do this paperwork- comes with the package of being master of death, Dumbass. You're the one who set me up to it anyhow."

"You're no fun!"

"...When am I ever? It's been ages since I originally died, and a majority of those years since I've seen and been in many, many timelines. Now, I know we're both practically immortal entities and quite literally have all the time in the world in our hands, but guess what? I have work to do."

Harry, or 'Haddy', as he was often called, ended his mini rant with finality and moved to the ever growing pile of paperwork, while Chaos pouted. The pile was rather large though...

"Hey author, give some exposition"


There was a reason for Harry to be filing papers, he worked in the void

There were three parts of the afterlife. 'Moving on', or heaven to some, where your soul would be recycled into a new soul after peace had refreshed them, 'hell', where evil people and people who did stupid atrocities like horcruxes were tortured until something clicks in their unscrewed heads, and there was the 'void'. The void was a link between heaven and hell, where people could work instead of being in hell or heaven until they 'move on'. Basically, people would work for an eternity because it was easier for the higher ups.

Harry had only been to Hell a handful of times, and even then it was for no longer than a few days, same with heaven. James, lily and the rest of his favoured adults had been recycled by the end of his life.

'sometimes I wish moved on... but hey, I have the universes' information at the tips of the fingers now! Not that I can use it much though.' He thought to himself.

"hi Haddy!" A cheeky voice broke through Harry's plot line info dump, causing to jump

"Don't call me that- Oh, Hello there Hectate, what brings you here to my humble abode?"

"Well... you've been acting more and more like a workaholic lately, so..."

Hades recognised the spark of mischief in her eyes and immediately decided 'nope nope nope nope nope I am not going to another timeline today'

"Chaos and I have a bet going now, so bye!" She giggled like a teenage girl and Hades felt his insides begin to swirl,

"I still need to do my paperwork-" she snapped her fingers and suddenly the feeling of apparition but worse occurred. Opening his eyes, was floating through time, a disorienting spiralling tunnel,  never ending. at least he had death by his side. "They always fall for it, but I do actually have work to do right now," He huffed. A cloaked figure glided next to him.

"Why am I always dragged along though?" Death said mournfully, "we still have work to do, and this is your fault"

"Okay, I know, but can we figure out which way to go first? I hate time loops and I know very well you do too."

"Fine, but I'm going to give you your share of the workload each month, so no slacking." Death's hollow eyes bored into Harry's own.

"Yep, sure thing," he followed the strings of colour, "ah, here one is! Look at me, I'm just a baby!" He pointed to the misshapen window that was shown through the perspective of a baby, an indefinite language describing the plot. Surprisingly, it didn't have too many plot points to follow, no killing Dumbledore, Voldemort or main characters until sixth year and no going to Slytherin or Gryffindor. odd

"Well, I hope you don't mind a few extra bits of paper, I've been looking for some more money to put into the vault!" Harry grinned viciously, he loved pretending to be different people.

"Dude. Whatever the fuck you do gives you money, and by now you have more than Britain's money combined. Multiplied by ten. Inside of a multi-timeline vault that is in and updates in every timeline You wreak havoc in. Also, how the hell did you manage to get That under the goblins' noses? You should know that the majority of them hate wizarding folk"

"I'm a hoarder, just happens to be galleons, sickles and knuts. And magical books. And random possessions. And- eh, everything to be honest." Harry said, shrugging his shoulders, ignoring the question of how he kept his money. "Not my fault I like doing things all the time."

"It is"

"Oh sod off- would you rather me joining ring fights? I'll do it! anyways, in I go. Have fun, my deathly buddy. I will... maybe." and he walked into the 'window' and landed his conscience in little Harry, ignoring death's warning.

"Follow the plot you chaos gremlin"

'This will be an annoying one, I'll have to file papers' he thought as he felt himself land inside of little Harry's mind.

Harry Potter and a step back in time (no more parts coming up)Where stories live. Discover now