part 2 - α𝗇 σ𝗋𝗉𝗁α𝗇α𝗀є

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Harry properly woke at exactly 4:00 to a chill and a very uncomfortable cot. 'Hm? Oh yeah, I fell asleep. This cot is kinda uncomfortable... I'll just..." he transfigured the thin barely-blanket into a fluffy heavy blanket and wrapped himself with it magically. 'That's better, but Really, who leaves a baby out in the cold night? Oh right, DUMBLEDORE. God, not even a- oh, miss Mcgonagall put a warming charm on, how lovely of her :)'

An hour later, Petunia opened the door to get the milk, saw the baby, and practically screeched. And then she read the letter, she scoffed at the idiocy of freaks and took the cradle inside. What would the neighbours think, she shuddered at the thought.

"Vernon!" Her scratchy voice carried out throughout the house.

"Yes, Tuni?" Vernon said, clumping down the stairs.

"The freaks left our freakish nephew here!"

By now, Hades had sent a lovely little compulsion to Vernon and petunia.

"Tuni, why don't we just put that freak in an orphanage? That way we won't have to bother about the freakishness contaminating our son."

"Good idea, Vernon. I'll take the freak to Wool's while you go to work." She said, not hiding her distain of the tiny infant

"No no, I'll do it. You have to look after our little Dudley after all. I'll take...him on the way to work"

"Oh yes, now rid the freak of this home. I have work to do."

"Okay, goodbye Love, look after Dudders!" He walked out of the still open door, nearly stepping on Hades before picking him up and putting him into the backseat.

Hades nearly giggled.

You know why?

He sensed magic in Dudley. 'Hogwarts will be fun' he thought to himself.

He took another nap in the backseat, using his occlumency to help get his new baby body used to his mass amounts of magic.

However, when the car stopped, it wasn't at the orphanage.

It looked like Vernon had already forgotten about Harry in the back, and went to work without him! Hades huffed a sigh and decided to improve his body's adaptation to magic- he also conjured a Tupperware box of rice to eat throughout the day. twelve hours later Vernon came back- he seemed a bit drunk, scratch that, very drunk -and Harry being a lil shit, began to make a bit of noise, just to piss off Vernon.

"Augh. shut uP yyou sToopid fReak." He slurred, as he drove them to wool's orphanage Vernon was insulting Harry. When they got there- an hour later, Vernon unceremoniously dropped Harry (in his cot) on the doorstep. Not even bothering to ring the doorbell, he left to go home.

'Well.... that was an experience.' Harry thought, setting the letter Dumbledore wrote on fire and summoning a brand new one- with ink and paper.

Wool's orphanage was a run-down building with very little funding and four floors. The first floor was the kitchen, dining room and kids' area, while the other floors were the bedrooms. Those floors had fifteen bedrooms each, with twenty-three of them occupied.

The matron, Miss Smith, was a nice lady, though her grandmother was not quite as friendly... anyway Hades put up a warming charm on his blanket and continued planning his alias, Sylvia.

He came out of his mind to Ms Smith opening the door for the paper, seeing him and bringing him inside,while rather panicked.

The staff were called for a small meeting by the Matron. The staff were basically caretakers, chefs, a janitor and the Matron.

"So, why are we here- oh, we have a new child?" The chef asked, "what's their name?"

"I'm not sure, but he's been outside all night!"

The staff murmured in disbelief for the poor child,

"Oh look, there's a letter? We should read it"

"I agree, let's see what it says"

The matron opened the letter and read the -fake- letter.

"To the orphanage people,
This is my brother Harry he is 15 months, daddy doesn't like him that much.
Every day he drinks lots of juice and yells at mommy, sometimes he yells at Haddy too.
On other days, mommy drinks lots of juice too and they throw bottles at each other and me
I miss my real daddy, the new one is bad.
I read about orphanages, I put Haddy here because I don't want him to get hurt.
Please look after him.

Harry's brother"

"So, domestic abuse then? How terrible... well, it's time for the kiddie's breakfast, I gotta do this Rosa, please look after Hadrian." He left and so did the other staff members in the room, leaving Hades to be taken to his room by the Matron. The room was on the top floor in the furthest corner. Why? So he could sneak out of course! Well, he didn't need to, he has the ability to travel through time and space! He just liked heights.

End of chapter bc idk what to add

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