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I just had the best birthday ever. My mum spent two hours shouting about how she wishes I was never born lmfao. Like babe neither do I you ain't special

{third POV}

"Oh! Sabito-san!" Tanjiro beamed at the sight of one of his closest friends and leapt onto his back unexpectedly, ignoring the pain in his broken ribs.

"Tanjiro! Shouldn't you be resting" the peach haired male frowned, placing down his sword and trying to reach Tanjiro who was crawling around his whole body like a damn spider.

"T-Tanjiro stop moving around, I'm so glad you're ok but you still shouldn't be moving so much" Sabito just persisted, trying to pry Tanjiro off his legs, only earning playful giggles from the immature boy.

"Oh! Makomo-san! How's your training been going with Shinobu?" Tanjiro beamed as he was suddenly lifted off the floor by the short black haired girl, her poker expression holding the slightest bit of happiness.

"I'm relieved you are ok, and my training has been going great thank you" she replied with a sweet tone, placing him back on the floor. Makomo wasn't a very strong girl, but due to Tanjiro's small frame and lack of muscle mass she found it quite easy to lift him.

Tanjiro laughed and suddenly went pale.

"W-where's fluffy! D-did someone pick him up when I passed out?!" Tanjiro panicked as sweat started to build on his forehead, frantically searching the surroundings.

"Hey Tanjiro it's fine I'm sur-"

"No! H-hold on... maybe Shinobu-san has him" Tanjiro cut of Sabito and went sprinting back inside, someone suddenly standing in his way and making him smack his face into the person's chest.

Tanjiro yelped and was about to fall over when a firm hold on his wrist made him stop.

"Watch where you're going shortie... you might get hurt" Sanemi and pulled the boy back to reality, looking away a little shyly "what's got you so panicked anyways" he grumbled, bending down a little to his height while still holding onto Tanjiro's shoulders in order to call the boy.

"Sorry I didn't mean to! I... I just don't know where fluffy's gone" Tanjiro started to tear up, his eyes glazed with tears that threatened to fall.

Sanemi panicked "hey! No need to cry! In fact Kanao sent me to give him back to you anyways, she said you'll be looking for him otherw-"

"Gwah! Sanemi-kun you're so amazing thank you thank you!" Tanjiro threw himself onto the wind pillar with a grin, taking the teddy in his arms gleefully.

Sanemi huffed and rubbed the nape of his neck, hoisting Tanjiro into his arms more so he could carry him easier "yeah yeah... I know that" he huffed with a slightly red face.

"Oh! I just remembered! Can I give you some of the Mochi I made with Aoi-chan? We've made enough for everyone" he giggled and swung his legs back and forth while still being carried like a child.

"Fine. I'll try some just because I wouldn't want it to go to waist" Sanemi huffed and began to walk to the kitchen, the sweet aroma of the treats already wafting to his nose.

Tanjiro leapt down from the male's arms and looked through the little glass window in the oven, his nose pressed on the material cutely.

Sanemi stood to the side to simply watch how adorable it was, yet... he felt like something was off though? He couldn't quite put his finger on it however.

"I think Aoi-chan is doing some work so do you want to help me give these put to everyone Sanemi-kun?" Tanjiro asked kindly, his cheeks a little red as he grabbed a cloth and took out the tray.

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