Lost hope

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I will also be doing a remake of this story but this is the original
It was never finished.
Chapter 1

Shadows POV

I looked out into the night sky it was beautiful in my opinion, but my grandfather only wished for me to focus on farming, so I never got to enjoy the little things I was pulled out of my thought when I saw a flaming asteroid coming down I was busy admiring its beauty when I noticed it getting closer to me, I then screamed and started running to the house, but I was too late and the asteroid hit the house catching it on fire I then let out a scream and started crying And quickly ran closer to the house and called again and again for grandpa but he never answered I then heard a groan and ran to where I heard it and saw something I never wanted to see again it was grandfather he was burning and barely breathing i tried to pull him out but he had a metal beam on his leg i then watched helplessly as he died before my eyes. i then came to a decision i had nothing to live for now that he was gone. I then backed up a few feet and jumped into the flames then I started to burn I let myself scream hoping that whoever crashed this asteroid would hear. I could feel myself dying but before I could I saw a giant hand I tried to yell no but I blacked out before I could say a word.

Sunstreaker POV

I awoke in a strange place I could hear screaming and heard the crackling of flames I quickly got out of my pod and stood up when I looked around i saw a little human jump into the flames and start screaming I decided since I could not go anywhere on this planet by myself I had to save it when I pulled it out it tried to protest. but blacked out and fell limp in my serveo. i then scanned a car from the World Wide Web and transformed the human landed in the back seat I would of been angry that it was messing up my interior but I was dirty on the outside. I then started driving to the nearest town once there I activated my holoform and quickly downloaded all the knowledge that I could find on humans from the internet and stored it in my data banks. I grabbed the human bridal style and brought her to the hospital emergency area a nurse then screamed " doctor we have an emergency, get down to floor one immediately" a man then came running down the stairs and the nurse brought a trolley over I put the female on it and went to the waiting room and sat patiently waiting for the human to be out of surgery.

Shadows POV

When I woke up I was in a white room my head was dizzy and I couldn't see straight all I could see was a yellow blur sleeping beside me on a chair and some machines beeping beside me, then all my memories came back to me and I started to panic I had tried to commit suicide and a giant hand had pulled me out of the fire, were was I ? I looked around slowly and turned to look at the man beside me he was peacefully sleeping he had short blond hair, a nice face, toned chest, and icy blue eyes, wait icy blue eyes? I realized he must have woken up when I moved around he looked at me for about a minute then got up and left. I was deep in thought when the door opened and in walked the man and a nurse she then asked in a polite voice " hello miss, how are you feeling today" I replied by saying "I feel like crap when am I getting out of here" she then replied, " you can leave in the next hour with your "brother" sunstreaker" the man behind the nurse then stepped forward and said in a forced happy Voice " sister you are not dead " he forced a smiled and told the nurse he needed to catch up with me I then tried to call the nurse to help me but the sunstreaker guy pulled a knife off of his leg holster and held it against my throat then whispered into my ear " you say a word and your dead human" I shivered in fear and nodded keeping my head down in submission. An hour later the nurse came in and asked me to sign some paperwork after I signed it the nurse said I was good to go and I could leave then she left, sunstreaker was beside me and was keeping a close eye so I couldn't tell the nurse that he was not my brother, after the nurse left sunstreaker grabbed my clothes and told me to put them on I bowed my head in submission and went to the bathroom, changed and walked out. as soon as I was out sunstreaker grabbed me harshly by the wrist and dragged me outside to a Lamborghini, opened the door and threw me in. I quickly buckled in and turned to the door excepting him to get in on the driver side but saw nothing suddenly the car started and shifted into gear and drove off I tried not to panick and stay quite but I couldn't help the little whimpers that left me while I shaked in the seat breathing heavily soon the car stopped in a forest and threw me out I fell face first into the dirt and scratched my knee I slowly got up, turned around expecting to see a car but was met face to face with a robot I then felt a scream start to build up in my throat but before I could scream it talked " hello fleshie, I am sunstreaker you are going to get a map from the gas station when we get back to town, then you are going to guide me to Washington and then I will set you free, you understand, if you don't I can get rid of you "very easily" " he then pointed at a huge sword on his back. I cowered in fear and waited to see if he would talk again he did " do you understand " I nodded and bowed my head in submission sunstreaker them chuckled darkly and transformed I quickly got in and sunstreaker shifted into drive and drove to town.

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