Till the end

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Chapter 1 to 10

You were working at a bar and it was late and you had very few customers one or two you owned the bar and very few people came here.

Then the bell on the door jingled and in stumbled an injured man he was clutching his side there was weird blue stuff coming out of his side you then figured out he was a cybertronian.

You quickly grabbed him and picked him up bridal style and brought him to the backroom.

once in the back room you went to get a first aid kit when you got back he was whimpering and mumbling something you couldn't understand.

when you got closer to him you asked him to lay down he looked at you and crawled backwards.

Probably scared you were going to hurt him when you got closer and he hit the wall you rubbed his cheek and he seemed to calm down you then told him to hold still, he did as you said and you carefully pulled his shirt off and grabbed a towel and dried the blood off of his side when you looked up at him his head was starting to roll to one side and his eyes kept rolling to the back of his head you quickly grabbed a knife and drew some of you blood and put it on his wound that would help him heal.

His wound slowly started to heal and you picked him up and put him on the bed when you picked him up you found a picture of him and another human his name was sideswipe.

When you woke up in the mourning you found that sideswipe was still sleeping and had somehow curled up beside you he was lightly snoring.

When you went to leave he woke up and looked around sleepily. You then crept over to him and rubbed his cheek and said "good mourning sideswipe " once you said that he jumped and scrambled away but gave a startled cry of pain when he hit the floor.

You then went down to his level on the floor and told him " I am (y/n) You came in here last night injured and were dying and I saved you by giving you my blood" he then sat up and hugged you crying into your shoulder you slowly patted his back and he slowly calmed down. After he had calmed down you asked him what happened

he explained that when he and his brother were coming down to earth a Decepticon hit the escape pod and they came crashing down on to a deserted island him and his brother were injured and then Megatron and some of us followers Starscream and soundwave found them he then explained how his brother sunstreaker died protecting him and then he escaped when he transformed into his car and drove on the bottom of the ocean until he found land and he then found the city and stumbled around in his holoform until he came across this place and felt a strange tug to it and went in. That was his story after he was finished telling you it he started crying and soon fell asleep on you. You then fell asleep beside slowly petting his hair

When you woke up in the mourning you found that sideswipe was still sleeping and had somehow curled up beside you he was lightly snoring.

When you went to leave he woke up and looked around sleepily. You then crept over to him and rubbed his cheek and said "good mourning sideswipe " once you said that he jumped and scrambled away but gave a startled cry of pain when he hit the floor.

You then went down to his level on the floor and told him " I am (y/n) You came in here last night injured and were dying and I saved you by giving you my blood" he then sat up and hugged you crying into your shoulder you slowly patted his back and he slowly calmed down. After he had calmed down you asked him what happened

he explained that when he and his brother were coming down to earth a Decepticon hit the escape pod and they came crashing down on to a deserted island him and his brother were injured and then Megatron and some of us followers Starscream and soundwave found them he then explained how his brother sunstreaker died protecting him and then he escaped when he transformed into his car and drove on the bottom of the ocean until he found land and he then found the city and stumbled around in his holoform until he came across this place and felt a strange tug to it and went in. That was his story after he was finished telling you it he started crying and soon fell asleep on you. You then fell asleep beside slowly petting his hair

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