Chapter 24

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You paced outside of the hospital room, chewing your nails absentmindedly. Namjoon was talking quietly with a nurse but you didn't bother trying to listen in.

On the other side of that door lay Min Yoongi.

He wasn't meant to still be here. He was meant to be back home months ago. That's what he had told you at least.

Namjoon stopped talking to the nurse and walked over to you. "He's in a coma," he told you. "Apparently it happened just when he was meant to leave. He fell asleep and hasn't woken up since."

You nodded, heart racing wildly. "For how long?"

"He's been in a coma for 43 days," Namjoon informed you. "No one knows what happened. He just didn't wake up one day."

43 days? That must have been just after I saw him.

"You're allowed to visit him for a little while," Namjoon smiled.

"Thank you," you murmured.

Taking a deep breath, you placed your hand on the door's handle and slowly pushed it down, nudging the door open with a loud squeak.

You left the door open, making sure you could see Namjoon as he waited outside. Then you slowly walked over towards the man that lay on the hospital bed.

Your heart pounded as you took in the pale skin and dark hair that flopped over his forehead. It really was him.

Why does he feel so familiar to me?

You knelt down next to his bed and stared at his sleeping form. You took his hand and held it gently, feeling a familiar warmth.

His chest rose and fell as he breathed steadily and you just watched him, willing him to wake up so that you could understand why your heart beat so quickly looking down at his sleeping form.

Then time unfroze and everything happened at once. In a blur, the machines that were connected to Yoongi started beeping wildly and his breathing became more ragged. Doctors rushed inside and ushered you out of the room, shutting it behind you. Namjoon held you tightly as you stared at the closed door with wide eyes.

The two of you waited in tense silence as you waited for something to happen. Eventually a nurse left the room and Namjoon grabbed her arm. "Is everything okay? What happened?"

The nurse glanced distastefully at the silver haired's hand on her arm and glared up at him. "Mr Min is awake. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to let his parents know."

Namjoon let go of her arm with an annoyed scoff and allowed her to saunter past him towards reception.

You sank into a chair outside the door and tried to calm your racing heart.

He's awake?

You felt rather than saw Namjoon sit next to you and kept staring at the closed door, waiting for it to open and give you another glimpse of the man inside.

His parents arrived shortly afterwards and rushed inside the room, tears cascading down their cheeks. You briefly saw a flash of Yoongi and observed how he was sitting up now, glancing around the room with a dazed expression.

He saw you past his parents and his gaze sharpened in recognition for a split second.

Namjoon waited with you for hours as doctors entered and left the hospital room. Yoongi's parents stayed with him the entire time until eventually his mother slipped out the room towards the cafeteria.

She came back with two cups of coffee and froze when she saw you. "Oh, hello."

"Hi," you murmured shyly. Namjoon stood up and greeted her politely.

"Do you possibly know my son?" she asked with creased eyebrows.

"Oh, um..."

We met like once?

"Yes. They're friends," Namjoon told Mrs Min.

Her face immediately brightened and she smiled wildly at you. "Oh how sweet of you to visit him. Would you like to see him?"

"I– well– would that be okay?" you mumbled uncertainly.

"Of course dear. He's a little confused at the moment but I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see you," she assured you kindly.

What if he doesn't remember me?

"Maybe another time."

"Nonsense. I could use a little coffee break anyway. Let me just call my husband and we'll leave the two of you to catch up."

Before you could saying anything, she slipped inside the door and murmured something to her husband. The two of them then went for a walk, sipping their coffees.

Namjoon pushed you towards the door. "Go on. You'll be fine."

You nodded, shaking slightly. You opened the door and slowly walked in to see Yoongi looking up at you.

His head tilted slowly as he watched you walk closer. You didn't go too near him in case it weirded him out but close enough so that he could see you.

"I don't know if you remember me," you started awkwardly. "We only met once before..."

There was silence as he stared at you with a thoughtful expression. His eyebrows were furrowed as if he was trying to remember something. You felt yourself unable to talk, not wanting to know the truth.

Eventually he spoke and your heart jumped at the sound of his gravelly voice. "I remember you."

"You do?" you breathed, shivering from the nervousness.

"Yeah," he said, blinking slowly at you. "You were in my dream."

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