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~With Paolo~

Now that I joined Bullet Club and Naito has been responding to me, I gotta make sure that I get ready for whatever match he wants. I've experience in hardcore matches back in New Jersey with CZW, and if he's gonna play my game, well, here's something he doesn't know: he's gonna be playing mine.

Just today, I learned that Naito accepted my challenge, and he said that I choose the stipulation for our match. I already thought of one, but I'm gonna wait until the BC and I surround him and we beat the living shut out of him.

~8:00 PM~

The show was about to begin and Naito was out there in a match with his rival EVIL, who betrayed the Los Ingobernables de Japon back in 2-0-2-0. The plan we have in mind is to distract Naito and the rest is up to us.

I can be a good talker when I need to be thanks to Konnan, my adoptive father, who taught me how to cut promos. The one I pulled in the conference room got a lot of attention and many fans around the world were saying that I could be the next Konnan, but I don't want to be like my adoptive father, I want to be my own person, you know?

Once the end of the match was near, I had Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa come with me to attack Naito. That gave EVIL an opening to hit his former leader with his finisher and get the win. The four of us went in and was laying out Naito as his title was in the hands of the announcer, which Taiji Ishimori beaten up so I could talk.

I grabbed the mic and spoke into it.

Me: I learned you accepted my challenge and I get to choose what stipulation for our match in a couple fucking weeks! Well, I have the solution Naito! How about this: you and I, in a Japanese Barbed Wire Massacre!

Commentator 1: 何?! 日本の有刺鉄線の大虐殺?! (WHAT?! A JAPANESE BARBED WIRE MASSACRE?!)

Commentator 2: 彼は私が彼が言ったと思うことを言っただけですか?! (DID HE JUST SAY WHAT I THINK HE SAID?!)

Me: You see, Naito, when you're facing a loaded gun to your head, what's the fucking difference?! There won't be any because you're just gonna wind up dead by the time I beat you for that title! See you in a couple weeks.

I threw the mic down and went out of the ring to go to the locker room. While I was packing stuff up, I got a FaceTime call from Maki who wanted to talk to me

Maki: やあ! (HI!)

Me: おい! 何を企んでるんだ? (Hey! What are you up to?)

Maki: チェックインするだけです。 また、一緒に私たちの日はどうですか? (Just checking in on you. Also, what about our day together?)

Me: そうそう! 気にしないで。 時差があるので数日でやりたいですか? (Oh, yes! Forgot about it. Want to do it in a couple days due to the time difference?)

Maki: もちろん! とにかく、私はあなたに何か他のものも聞きたかっただけです。 (Sure! Anyhoo, I just wanted to ask you something else too.)

Me: どうしたの? (Sure what's up?)

Maki: AEWで署名する方法はありますか? 私たちはさまざまな会社と契約していますが、あなたがここにいないときは寂しいです。 (Is there any way you can sign with AEW? We're signed to different companies, but I just feel lonely when you're not here.)

I feel bad for her. I mean, I might, but knowing the BC's history with The Elite, I don't think they'll welcome me to the company.

To be honest, I never really cared about this fucking Civil War they had over which version the Bullet Club should be. It should be all one and not divided over a stupid version.

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