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"Get your shit! Get your shit and get out, Shawn! I am done!" Toni exclaimed as exhaustion took over her small frame. She watched him as he chuckled and grabbed his duffel bag then walked to the front door. He turned glancing in her direction with a smirk on his face, it shot an eerie shiver down her spine.

"Muffin, you know I'll be back. I'm only letting you cool down, ok," he said before walking out. Toni finally allowed herself to break into tears.

She'd been down this same old road time and time again with her boyfriend of four years. They'd break up only to make up. Shawn knew the control he had over Toni. He knew she truly loved him and would always welcome him back after things cooled down between them, so he abused and exploited the love she had for him. Thankfully it was never fist to face, but unfortunately the verbal abuse, sexual abuse, emotional, psychological, and financial abuse he caused hurt her just the same, if not more.

Toni was only twenty-one years old when she met thirty year old Shawn Holland. He was the nice guy with chocolate skin and hazel eyes. He had a set of lips that could smoothly talk you out of your clothes and Toni easily fell prey.

Four years ago she was the new girl in this small town and the warnings she received from everyone about Shawn, she waved off. Shawn told her that the women were just jealous of her, that they wanted to take her spot on his arm, so she continued seeing him, proudly and publicly. He was the sweetest man she had met in a long time and Toni felt as if she had finally found the one.

Unfortunately, her immaturity when it came to romantic relationships and her daddy issues didn't allow her to see the real monster that lain right underneath the sweet side of Shawn, because the red flags were certainly there.

After just their first year of dating, Shawn made Toni completely dependent upon him. He talked her into moving into his place under the guise of not being able to be sleep peacefully without her in bed with him. Toni swooned. Then, he coaxed her into stop working, he said he'd pay for any and everything she wanted and needed. He wanted to spoil her rotten, and he did just that. Toni was given the full princess treatment! Whenever she'd receive phone calls from the few friends and family she had, Shawn would rush her off of the phone initiating sex or anything to distract her from other people; eventually the others became tired of Shawn, they knew what he was up to, Toni was the only oblivious one.

The following months, when she was truly alone with no friends, no money of her own and no place to go besides their shared home, the princess treatment she'd become accustomed to completely stopped and Shawn's monstrous ways were released. Toni was utterly confused by the switch, she didn't know what to do or how to stand up for herself against him.

She was literally sleeping with the enemy, and so many times she tried to leave but he would find some way to reel her back in. It was a stupid cycle, but Toni had no one but him.

"You're really just going to walk out on our family, Nicole?" Kenny questioned in disbelief. He couldn't believe his wife of ten years was really going through with this. He was madly in love with his woman and didn't want to imagine life without her. For ten years she has been all he's known. "And what about Roland, huh? What about our son?"

Nicole continued walking around the room packing the little things, she didn't have time for this. Her first flight out of the country was in least than four hours. Kenny's dramatics weren't needed right now, but they certainly were making her move faster.

"Kenny, I am doing this for us. Ok? You're good with Ro and he needs you more than he needs me. I'll be sure to call every day that I'm away. It's only a ten month program and I'll be back home before you know it. I promise."

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