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Six months later, Toni had remain working with Ash and Jack. She chalked it up to Kenny never telling them about their situation, or he did and they decided not to meddle in her personal affairs, either way she was immensely grateful. She truly loved her job and working alongside the funny couple. Plus it allowed her to still see Kenny and Roland whenever they decided to stop by, even if it was just for a few minutes out of the day, it felt so good.

Her six hours shifts allowed her a little happiness, because when she went home, it was hell. Shawn was still mistreating her. She'd given him his birthday surprise weeks ago and which he loved, but then he demanded that she quit working because she "no longer needed the money." When Toni told him she wouldn't quit, Shawn didn't take things so well, he punished her greatly and did a number on her body with the whips he had purchased "to enhance the sex." Toni hated them and she knew he only used them to abuse her even more; because being whipped certainly wasn't one of her kinks.

The only reason Shawn had finally agreed to let Toni keep working was if she allowed him to bring a stripper into their bedroom, and she did. By the end of the night, Toni felt degraded and disgusting, but she did what she had to do for a little bit of happiness and to keep her sanity intact.

She missed spending time with Kenny and Roland a lot. She would often close herself off in a room away from Shawn to cry once her thoughts drifted to them. They had given her a glimpse of what her future could be if she would just muster up the strength and leave Shawn, but she was far too afraid.

Running away, without thinking- without having a solid plan and just doing things on a whim is how she ended up here in the first place. At least with Shawn she knew what to expect from him, but with Kenny? What if he turned out to be the exact same way as Shawn? She wouldn't be able to survive that devastation.

But she wanted out like never before.

She didn't know how much more she could take from Shawn. She was truly fucking tired and she knew if she didn't get out soon, he'd eventually kill her or she would take her own life to escape the pain and heartache.

"Roland, you want to watch a movie with me?" Nicole asked with hopeful eyes.

She had been back in the states for almost two and a half weeks now, staying with Kenny and Roland and she felt like a stranger whenever she was near them. She couldn't seem to connect with her son anymore and Kenny,
her now ex-husband, barely spoke to her. She had been hopeful that they would at least be happy that she was back, but they clearly weren't and that had her making plans to find herself a place to live sooner than she had planned to.

Roland shook his head. "No. I'm ok," he answered and went to his bedroom.

"He hates me." Nicole sighed making Kenny scoff.

If she wanted him to console her and assure her that their son didn't hate her, then she had another thing coming.

"Probably. Well, I wouldn't say 'hate,' more like a strong dislike, but that's what happens when you leave your child for nearly a year and only call three times within that timespan," Kenny said before walking off to check on his son.

He had no idea why Nicole had come back or why he let her stay with them? Truly, Kenny hadn't been in the right headspace since learning about Toni's situation. He wanted to help her, he was going to. He just needed a little more time before he had it all worked out.

"Sam, I need a favor, big bro." Kenny spoke over the phone, "But you know it can't be said over the line. Come through," he said and after confirmation he disconnected the call.

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