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At around twelve Keith came with his driver and I wasn't allowed to see him.They were treating us like a couple getting married the next day ugh.I was also not allowed to take my phone and laptop and other communication gadgets except for my watch which I can use to communicate with dad's watch only.I even had to use the backdoor to get to the car Keith had used.I found a my favorite twenty four bars chocolate on a seat at the back and a note with

We can do this I love you Gwen.

I arrived at the Wilsons and it was a huge fancy mansion I fell in love with.It was a five storey mansion will not say anymore than that just know its fancy and modern.Mrs Wilson came to get me from the fountain in the front yard where the driver had stopped.We took an elevator to the last floor since she wanted to show me where I would be staying.A man in his late thirties just a guess was following behind us with my luggage it wasn't heavy and I could have carried it but Keith's mom insisted I don't.She opened the door to a darkblue ,black and grey themed room.It was Keith's room and dad had told me if the family liked me I would spent the night in his bed."I will tell him for you that you like his room,"she said and I blushed.I loved his room and I hoped he would love mine with pink ,purple and white for a theme.

"I will come and check up on you meanwhile you can settle in,"she said."Thanks mom,"I replied  she had corrected me multiple times  to  call her mom instead of Mrs Wilson."Welcome now that's more like it feel free around me,"she said before leaving and closing the door behind her.I collapsed onto his bed,I noticed a guitar and I was glad he plays.The room was tidy and full of his cologne it made me miss him and just then there was a soft knock.

"Come on in,"I replied but the knock continued guess he or she couldn't hear me.I went to open the door when I did it was Usher when he saw me he hugged me.I hugged back the younger version of Keith."Usher how are you?"I greeted.We exchanged further greetings."I am very happy you came but I think you dislike me,"he said ,his wrong I love his bubbly self and it reminds me of Keith."Wait what,why would you think that?"I asked.His eyes brightened one of the traits he shares with Keith,"um so you don't hate me?Why were you no longer coming to see me when you pick Lindie is it because you are now Keith's woman?"he asked and I blushed."I like you a lot and did Keith tell you that?"I asked.He nodded shyly,"you know what," I paused to return his cute smile,"next time he does tell him I am also your woman and you are my favorite,"I added.He hugged me and I loved  the relationship I had with this little guy.

I have to  jot this down in my diary.We played games on his play station it was fun though I lost  deliberately to make it win I am pretty good at video games learnt from my dad.After the last win which I had got I decided we go to the kitchen and he didn't mind since he had won  many previous games.We met Keul  on our way and she had two bowls of popcorn,"I am very excited you came.I prepared popcorn cause I was very confident you would watch a film with me in the theater room,"she beamed.There was no way I could deny her and I wanted to hangout with her.Usher complained that he had been playing with me but when I told him that he could join he relaxed."I can see you already bonded with this little man now lets hurry I gotta bond too,"Keul commented and she led the way.

The theater room was homely the way here was no sweat since we had taken an elevator.The Wilsons really wanted to live the easy way there were two elevators.I do have an elevator at home but I only use it when am tired or when am carrying a sleeping Lindell to her room.I am athletic but stairs with Lindell in arms is a no.Keul signed into her Netflix account,"what do we watch?"she asked.We all voted for To all the boys I've loved.It was a romcom according to Keul's perspective the lead actress's little sister reminded me of Lindell and the jealous bestfriend of Eva and I related with the film.

After the film Keul decided that we  go shopping at the mall with her mom's black card.Since Mrs Wilson was very fond of me she instantly agreed but didn't allow us to go with Usher he was supposed to go to a shoot for a magazine with her.The mall was a good trekking distance but we were advised to go with a driver and two bodyguards.We met Aidan and Hayden.I greeted them first and they attacked us with hugs.They did not stay long since they were in a rush.I guessed they had a gig Aidan is a dj and he gets gigs Keith told me he even plans to take me to one of Aidan's gigs.

"Can we be friends?"I asked."I thought we were already friends,"she replied with one of those killer smiles and I returned it."Now its official,"I said and we chuckled.We shopped from store to store until Keul's phone rang and I couldn't hear the person on the other side but since she was next to me I heard her side of the call.

"Hey babe" certainly a lover she was blushing.

"Yeah all good and you"

"I am at the mall and about to leave"

"Um"she paused and gave me a smile then continued,"I am with a friend"

"Let me ask her"

She put the phone off her ear and mouthed if I would mind if we stayed a bit ,she wanted to meet someone.I agreed since I didn't want to disappoint a girl in love.

"She agrees"

"Okay see you soon"

The call ended and she was in cloud nine she even got lost in thoughts as she smiled at her phone as if the person who had called was going to come out of the phone any minute.I had to clear my throat to bring her back to earth."That was my boyfriend,"she said happily,"you must really love the guy,"I said smiling."Yes,am actually in love with him and I think he could be the one,"she replied."Damn you have already found the one how lucky,"I cooed and she chuckled,"you have Keith."It was my turn to get lost in thoughts.I guess I love Keith but I don't know if am in love.We decided to go to a nearby cafe and ordered light meals and Keith got another phone call.

"Hey babe"

"Come to the cafe just after Forever 21"

She ended the call and we waited.Her face went somewhere and I followed it.I didn't see the guy  because of the side of the booth I sat on so I continued to nibble on my food in wait to see Keul's prince charming."Hey babe whose your friend,"came a very familiar voice.I went into denial straight away it can't be him."Babe this is Gwen my sister in law and Gwen this Gerald my man,"she confirmed my thoughts.He had been older than me  so no surprise they could have met in College like Keul had narrated.I lifted my face  as I replied to his greeting.I remembered how  he cheated on me as I looked at his face  and also the guy I had fell for like any other girl would and it upset me."Do you guys know each other?"Keul asked.We both nodded,"you should have told me then I wouldn't have introduced anyone,"she complained.I felt awkward and did not want to spoil their date so I faked a call then made an excuse and left for the Wilsons.


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