interview my oc !!!

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author pov 

falisha : "hello hello everyone your author falisha is back !!! before we start the stories let interview some of the oc that who will be in the story yufa zenin please introduce yourself !!"

yufa zenin: "hello everyone im yufa zenin or you can call me yufa or maybe other nick name im cool with it :)"       

falisha : "welcome to the story yufa san!. i hope we can work together im your author falisha" 

yufa zenin: "please to meet you my beautifull author;) "

falisha : "(//////) uhuk! uhuk ! ok uhm yeah thank u so much for the compliment yufa san 
 so before u give a biodata about yourself your back name is  zenin right i heard that is one of the strongest clan ! that really cool you know and i heard you have two sibling are  u close with them or the zenin clan family"

yufa zenin : "CLOSE U SAY!!! nah the zenin clan is a bit*h they only took care for the one who                                   have a strong curse technique , but my first sister maki zenin is cool and i really look                           her up as my motivation to grow stronger :) "

falisha : " ooh that's so cool, are u the last child in the zenin clan ? sometimes like the                                  last child always look up to her big sister "

yufa zenin " hahahaha some people always mistake im the last child ,but im actually the second                          child  my little sister mai is the last one"

falisha : "woahh i was not expecting that tho!, i think that is just a little briefing for the interview                    so yufa san please give the biodata of yourself !"

falisha : "woahh i was not expecting that tho!, i think that is just a little briefing for the interview                    so yufa san please give the biodata of yourself !"

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name : yufa zenin 

class : first grade sourcers 

curse technique : sword curse fighting (like her older sister:) , black angel curse technique ( i will explain more about this technique) 

friend: all of the first grade class sources but she is more close to megumi 

crush : ????

favorite food : spicy ramen, fried rice 

 motivation to grow stronger : maki zenin, schinichiro, toman founding members 

 favorite quotes : "being weak is nothing to be ashamed for but staying weak is"

yufa zenin : "i think that is all for my biodata maybe you get to know me a litlle bit more in the                                story , right author !"

falisha : "yeah ! i think that all" 



hello everyone sorry i havent upload school have been hectic this day and
 i think i forgot to add this is my oc interview. yufa zenin when she first born she have a weak curse energy and she got discriminate like her sister maki . 
im soory i add this at the author note but hope u guys like it 


&quot;when a sourcers fall in love with a deliquent&quot; JUJUTSU KAISEN X TOKYO REVENGERSWhere stories live. Discover now