fifteen. from now on

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Reliving her life was actually kind of fun. Sure, she still made mistakes and all that, but she was able to avoid the ones she remembered and learn from the ones she didn't. (Y/N) found herself having more fun than she thought she could ever have and it was all because she had met a boy named Shuji Hanma who showed her that life didn't have to be lived in a normal way. That she could live her life the way she wanted to, even if some parts were illegal and had to deal with blackmail (which she does not encourage, by the way...unless?).

Eventually, she even made it to her high school graduation with her sights set on the same university she had attended before, still wanting to go into journalism again and eventually write for a local newspaper. On the day of her graduation, once the hats had been thrown into the air and the diplomas given out, she took a second to take it all in, sitting underneath the cherry blossom trees all alone. Until, that certain someone who had dropped out of high school made his appearance.

Hanma wasn't dressed as neatly as he would in the future, but she liked to think he put some effort into his appearance today. He stood beside her with his hands in his pockets, looking as though he wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

"I missed the ceremony, huh?" he said, unapologetic.

"Just by a little," (Y/N) teased, considering they both knew he was hours late. "Did you run into trouble? A fight, perhaps?"

With a shake of his head, he dismissed her words. "I had to pick something up. On a different note, we're both eighteen now, right?"

"Yes," she said slowly. Based on that question alone, she had a hint on where this conversation was going. (Y/N) was prepared for it, the acceptance on the tip of her tongue and the memories of her future playing out as she waited for him to ask. 

But, what he ended up asking wasn't the same as she expected. It was as though he looked at the timeline and decided to take a leap of faith further into the future just because he could. He reached into his pocket, bringing a square shaped box out for her to see, flipping it open with a push of his thumb. 

"Do you want to marry me or whatever?" Hanma finally asked, holding out the box with the ring on display, not even bothering to get down on one knee.

(Y/N) let out an amused sigh, "You know for someone who claims to be oh-so in love with me, I would think you would give a better proposal."

"Is that a yes?" His grin grew; certainly, knowing the future must have helped his confidence.

"Or whatever," she shrugged, sending him a lighthearted smile.

She watched as he gently took the ring out of the box, then took her left hand in his and placed the ring on the correct finger. His touch lingered even after he let go of her hand, feeling the same way the sun did when she lifted her hand up to admire the small diamond in the natural light. Then, even as she appreciated the proposal and the ring more than anything, she realized there was no way he could afford something like this unless...

"Did you steal this?" (Y/N) asked in a deadpan.

His grin said everything, but he still threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. "I threatened some guys for the money to buy, so no. By the way, we can't get married in a church or anything, because I may or may not be on the run, so let's fill out the wedding registration card as soon as possible."

At least she got a ring.



A year and six months later, Shuji Hanma and (Y/N) (L/N) were happily married. They shared an apartment near (Y/N)'s university. Hanma was still involved in whatever gang he was running around with now and she was currently interning at a local newspaper, one that had her writing an upcoming article on the mysterious info broker Blackmail that was yes, still at large. 

These days, Blackmail was run mostly by Hanma, who gave out the information, but (Y/N) still had a hand in collecting and organizing it all. They were like a modern day Bonnie and Clyde, a crime power couple with one pulling the strings and the other in the forefront of almost every fight on the streets. It was a dynamic no one would ever expect, least of all (Y/N)'s university acquaintances that thought her husband was some neat office worker.

 On the days when neither of them had any commitments, the married couple were content to laze around their apartment, occasionally engaging in conversations about whatever came to mind.

 "You know, it was worth it," (Y/N) said out of the blue one afternoon as she ran her fingers through Hanma's longer hair as he laid with his head in her lap. 

Even though his eyes were closed and he was halfway to dreamland, Hanma gave a hum to tell her was listening, to go on and explain her thoughts.

"It was worth it to travel back in time, as crazy as that sounds, and meet you again. It was worth it to stay and relive everything, just so I could be with you," she confessed, "I said once that I wanted to fall in love with you and I did just that."

At this, his eyes opened and a smug smirk made its way onto his face. "You're in love with me? I knew you couldn't resist me."

"Obviously I'm in love with you, I married you, Shuji," (Y/N) said with a small shake of her head, but she was smiling too.

"Good, because I've been in love with you since you wrote that stupid article about me." Hanma closed his eyes, intent on going back to sleep, even as he continued, "At first I wanted to see what kind of entertainment you could provide me with, but then it turned into this crush that wouldn't go away. Funny how things turned out, isn't it?"

Quite amusing indeed. <3


and that's the end! 

thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I do have one question for you all, do you guys prefer stories with the pairing as the character x reader or the character x oc? this is just for future reference btw

anyways, thank you all once more and goodbye for now! :D

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