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I forgot to mention this previously, but when the font is bolded the characters are speaking in a different language. (Not specific to any language, it'll usually be implied through the context of their conversations).

~After Work~

"Jake! How was your first day of school?"

"It was gweat mommy! I made some new fwens during recess." your son said, clinging to your arm.

"That's great buddy. How about we go to the supermarket to buy some stuff for dinner?"

"Can we get snacks too?" he asked with big puppy dog eyes and a big smile.

~At the supermarket~

"Mommy this, this!" Jake said, pointing to almond pocky sticks.

I decided on making lasagna and chicken caesar salad for dinner. I also bought a bunch of snacks and cartons of strawberry milk not only for Jake, but for yourself too. After getting home, you decided to call Johnny.

"Yes, my precious baby sister? What is it that graces me with your call today?"


"You know you love me."

Suddenly you heard a low, raspy voice, "Who is it? Your sister? Say "hi" to her for me."

"Mark says hi." Johnny claimed, although you already faintly heard their conversation.

"Tell him I said "hi" back. Anyway, I'm calling to ask about your schedule. You wanna come over for dinner?"

"I'm actually done with all my work for today. The boys went out but Mark and I are just chilling at the dorm. You said dinner? I'm down."

"Mark is there?" you asked, hesitantly.

"Yeahhhh? Why?" your brother responded, even more hesitantly.

"Bring him over."

"Are you sure?"

"No, but just do it." you said.

Barely 2 minutes passed and you heard a knock at your door. You opened it, welcoming Mark and your brother, Johnny drowning you in his arms with a tight hug.

"So y'all were just chilling at your dorm? What were you guys originally planning on for dinner?" you wondered.

"Well you see, Mark over here wanted to watch sad romance movies to get inspo for lyrics. I think I cried out all my energy so I wanted to eat something carby."

You laughed at your brother's response. "Well you're in luck. I made mom's secret lasagna recipe; it's in the oven right now."

Johnny's eyes went big in anticipation for the dish that he hadn't tasted in years.

"You cook? Will you teach me?" Mark said.

"Come over next time. You can help me prepare dinner." you responded.

"So. Boys." you said more seriously. "Let's talk."

You led them to the couch, unconcerned about Jake since he was taking a nap.

"Talk? What about?" Mark questioned.

Jess is slowly starting to trust the members and build friendships. Very, very, slowly though~

SHAKEN - JUNG JAEHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now