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this time, stanley was drunk. he was on his third shitty beer, and that was not counting the shots of fireball he had taken earlier. to be fair, those were richie's fault. he, richie, bill and mike had done shots courtesy of richie, and it had definitely helped loosen him up.

stanley was dancing with ben and beverly, a strange trio, but a trio nonetheless. 

"have you seen betty!?" beverly yelled over the music, pushing stanley with her hands. stanley scoffed, not loud enough for beverly to hear. when he shook his head, beverly rolled her eyes, "go find her!"

"why? i thought you said that i should feel something when kissing people!" stanley yelled back, ben extremely confused. beverly waved her hands and then placed them violently on stanley's shoulders.

she got close to him (close enough to him that ben got a little uncomfortable) and talked normally, "i did say that, stan. however. you're lonely. she's definitely lonely. you're telling me you don't wanna make out with her?" beverly moved back.

stanley smiled a little bit and laughed out his nose. he pointed at beverly repeatedly, as if to say "you have a point", and ran off. ben raised his eyebrows at beverly in confusion, she shook her head, and continued dancing. 

stanley wove through several groups of people and eventually came to a group of girls standing against the wall. he recognized betty from the back, a girl named audra, and no one else in the group. 

"hey, hey betty! wanna dance?" a wave of strange nervousness washed over stanley as he shouted to her. she turned around and stanley gulped.

did he want this?

what? of course he did.

betty sauntered closer to stanley, placing a hand on his neck. stanley felt his face get hot, and he knew he was red. she put her mouth close to his ear, "i have a better idea."

stanley was definitely bright red. he nodded slyly and betty took his hand pulling him upstairs, stanley trying hard not to trip on his feet. 

she turned around, "don't worry, i've been here many times before, we can find a spot," she said, and stanley did not want to think about what that implied. impulsively, he kissed her, and they stopped in the hallway, making out for a bit. he felt so awkward making out with her in public.

stanley still couldn't get what beverly had said out of his head. although, her and bill weren't together anymore, so maybe he shouldn't worry so much.

under that philosophy, the two looked for a bedroom. the first door they opened, the door was locked. they knew what that meant, for sure. the next door was the bathroom, and upon opening it, they came across two teenagers in an extremely compromising position. shirts off, the smaller one's legs hooked around the waist of the taller one, against the counter.

the worst part? it was people stanley knew. eddie turned his head in shock, and tried to open his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"stan-" mike started, still holding eddie against him. he had no time to finish, as betty shut the door and giggled.

stanley blinked rapidly. what?

betty pulled stanley into the next room, which was both vacant and open. she then kissed him, and stanley tried (a little pitifully) to kiss her back, his mind occupied. he shut the door nonetheless, and she reached a hand out to lock the door. then she drew away and fell back onto the bed, where she beckoned stanley. 

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