-I'm in 5th grade now-
You guys remember my partner Aidan ? Well, we have feelings for each other and are now dating. My feelings for Emily are there but i can't bring them to the surface just yet. Me and Aidan are doing fine up until he had to leave my school. The last few days we dated were rough, we didn't talk, ignored each other, it was miserable. And it led to me and him breaking up. Now this crushed me. I cried and cried. Everything reminded me of him. But i eventually got better and we are now friends! But around this point in my life my feelings for Emily rose up. Now this part of my life was amazing, my crush on Emily grew bigger and bigger every day. I got the courage to tell my friends, and they supported me too. But then my mom asked if I had feelings for Emily, I quickly denied it but deep down I knew it was all a lie. How would Camila ever be able to tell her family about her feelings for Emily after she denied if for so long. She swore he and Emily were straight. I've always been a closeted girl when it comes to family, but sometimes the urge to tell my family is through the roof. I cant keep this girl a secret from my family, i'm dying to tell them. When school came around it was so hard. We were in the same hall. If i walked down the hall she could see me, If i even went to a different class she could see. In the morning we have free time, so i'm usually up and down the hall but around this time Emily told me she felt all the emotions i felt too. My heart was filled with joy and excitement. But during school it would have to be a secret. Even walking down the hall made us nervous, but one day I was walking down the hall and we made eye contact. In my head I thought "There she is the girl of my dreams staring at me through the open door, do I look away or keep staring?" The moment ended though and we continued doing what we were doing. I had felt a spark of electricity flow through my body during that moment. Me and emily talked and talked and eventually WE DATED !
Dating her was like a dream come true, we were a strong couple. Nothing could beat us, or so I thought. Eventually everything came to an end. I should know by now all good things come to an end. We figured it was the right person but wrong time. So much was going on covid, stress, family. It just wasn't a good time for a relationship. We broke up sadly
When summer school started Emily met a girl named Jordyn. Emily and Jordyn began to like eachother and eventually dated. To this day they are still dating but the twist is, even though me and Emily aren't dating we still have the tension between us. It's still there and won't leave. Every once and a while we may flirt with eachother and yes I know this may seem wrong but think of this. Jordyn never has time for Emily. She never cares for her or talks to her. Emily had even confessed with her own mouth "I regret leaving you, she nothing compared to you" That was the sentence that tied my guts in a knot and lit up the whole room. I'm starting to think maybe me and Emily really are soulmates. Sometimes I even begin to imagine that it's winter in our 2 story house somewhere in the world and there's snow on the ground and we have 2 children running around playing in the snow while me and Emily are just drinking hot coco and cuddling by the open fire. Just feeling each other's presence and love. I'm not over emily and emily's not over me. And that's final.