Chapter 5

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"Adam!" Called Edward as he chased his friend to the stables. It was to early and to hot for them to be doing this.

"What?" Adam laughed,"if you want this necklace back you will havve to take it!"

"If Christine see's you with it she will have my head!" Edward pleaded.

"Should have thought about that before you took ale from my stash! Besides you know the old saying 'an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth' you get the idea."he dove under an empty cart.

"That's completely different! And how was I supposed to know it was yours?" He watched as Adam army crawled out from under, as if protecting his pride.

"It was hidden under a loose floor board in my room!"

All of a sudden the sound of giggling women caught their attention. It was a few of the gardeners and servants. Edward noticed in the small bundle stood Angelina trying to muffle her laugh.

"Well next time you should write your name on it!" Mocked Edward. He knew he was being a show off, but what else was he to do in his predicament?

"My name?" Adam said stunned,"I bought the bloody thing!"

"And who gave you that money?" Teased Edward.

"Why you!" He chunked the necklace into the dirt and ran at Edward with full speed.

"Their such children." Laughed one of the servant girls. All you could really see where to two adult men, rolling around in the dirt, cursing at one another excessively.

Once Angelina could breath she asked,"shouldn't someone go and stop them? Before someone hurts himself?"

"Be our guest" laughed another gardener.

"Alright." Said Angelina as she rolled up he sleeves and began to walk across the yard to stop the fight. She was a few feet away when she saw the necklace,she picked it up, and shook her head laughing. She thought to herself how are these two 'boys' their leaders?

"Edward! Adam!" She shouted. They didn't even notice. Then again she called,but louder,"Edward! Adam!" Still no response.

'Fine' she thought to herself,' if you can't beat them, join them.' She lunged forward prying them off one another. Adam was on his side completely unaware of what had happened. As for Edward, Angelina had completely pinned him down on his back. He hadn't known what hit him until he saw Angelina's face was hovering above his with a glowing grin.

"Did you just-" he began to ask.

"Yes, I did." She laughed as she sat up "and I believe this is yours." She dangled the necklace over his face.

"Thanks I'll need to return that to Christine." Angelina shoved it into his chest pocket, he cleared his throat awkwardly," that might be easier though, um, if you weren't on top of me."

"Oh right! She laughed. She stood up dusted off her dress,"I'll leave you here to recover." She said to Edward, and strutted back to the group.

"How?" He rubbed his jaw, as he watched her leave.

"I have no idea..." Adam replied.

"She's a village girl remember? Has probably taken down things bigger than all of us." Called Richard who had been watching the whole time.

"She's quite the charmer." Laughed Adam entranced by her beauty.
"I'm aware,"said Edward as he jumped to his feet.

"She's new isn't she?" Adam asked Richard.

"Yes she is." Richard said as he walked back into the stables.

"Is she available?" Adam asked Richard

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