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My hands are shaking so bad and it feels like I'm underwater, I can barely hear Voight. I just found out my dad's back in town and is gonna be staying with me. I can't take it, I get up from my spot on my desk and go to the locker room to try and calm myself down.

"Jay are you okay?" Hailey's voice sounds

"Not really," I tell her

"Talk. Now," She demands

"My dads back in town and he's staying with me but he used to do things to me and I'm not very thrilled about having to share an apartment with him," I reply

"There's more to the story, but I know you and pushing isn't going to help," Hailey says and walks back to the bullpen

I take a few more deep breathes and go back to the bullpen also. Voight glares at me and I throw a sheepish smile.

"I-I have to go pick m-my dad up from the airport," I say and leave the district


"Hailey, my office," I say after Jay leaves

"If you called me in here to ask what's going on with Jay, I have no idea other than his dad is back in town and staying with him and he used to do things to Jay," Hailey tells me and walks out

'I'll check on him if he's not back in an hour I think to myself. At the hour mark and growl to myself and go to Jay's apartment in hopes of finding him. I knock on Jay's door and to my disappointment, he doesn't answer, his dad does.

"Hank Voight, to what do I owe this pleasure?" He asks

"I'm here to get Jay," I tell him

"Well he's a little busy right now," Pat says

"Hank!" I hear Jay's voice sound

"I'm not buying that," I say and shove my way in

The scene in front of me breaks my heart. Jay's on his knees with his hands tied behind his back, shivering, and blood running down his face.

"Help me," He sobs

I kneel down behind Jay and untie his hands. I go to what I know is his room and grab one of his many sweatshirts and help him put it on.

"C'mon kiddo, let's get you back to the district and clean that head injury," I say gently

"You're lucky I want to build a case against you and put you away for a long time rather than cuffing you right now," I growl at the asshole that's Jay and Will's father

He wraps a hand around my arm like a scared little kid. I lead him out to my car and get him situated in the front seat before driving us back to the district.

"Hey Trudy, you still got that first aid kit under your desk?" I ask

"Yep," She says and looks at Jay

She walks around the desk and pulls Jay into her arms. I watch as Jay buries his head in her neck.

"Hank, you can use that office over there," She tells me when she releases Jay

I sit Jay down in the office and clean off his forehead.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Jay says looking down

"I'm not, your fathers going to be our new case, I don't want him hurting one of my best detectives," I tell Jay

"Okay," He mumbles

"Why don't you head upstairs and lay on the couch in my office," I suggest

He nods his head and walks up to intelligence.

"I need you to find everything you can on Pat Halstead," I tell Trudy

"He hurt Jay didn't he?" She asks

I nod.

"Go be with your kid, Hank, I'll come up if I find anything," Trudy smiles

I walk upstairs and my unit looks at me.

"Not a word, not yet," I point

They put their hands up defensively. I walk into my office and Jay's curled up in a ball.

"I never thought I'd be actually protecting the protector," I tell him

"You don't need to protect me, I did just fine on my own for years," Jay whispers

"Well that was before you became my kid," I say

"I'm not your kid," He speaks

"Blood or not blood, Jay, you are my son and I'm going to protect you," I say and pull Jay into my arms

I hold Jay for a little while and then let him curl up and fall asleep.

"Hank, Jay's dad he's... let's just say his criminal record is very long," Trudy says

I run my fingers gently through Jay's hair and he curls up farther.

"You're going to need to protect your son, Hank, his dad is out for blood," She adds

"I need to tell the unit that our new case is Jay's dad," I say

"You have fun with that," Trudy says and leaves the room

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