Lets Be Alone Together

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    It had been a few weeks since Aaron and Leo broke up. Though it was so long ago, to Leo it felt like it had happened yesterday. Over and over again, he'd replay it in his head, breaking his heart each time. But it could have been yesterday for all he knew. It could have been a year ago. It could have been today. Time was tricky in this new dimension he inhabited. Weirdly enough, another D2 Ghost lived there too, but Leo tried not to remind himself. It was Michael Afton, the son of William Afton. The same man that stole his life away. His son. His boyfriend. His home. Everything.

    Shortly after Leo had been executed he was able to see Aaron again, but he no longer loved him the same. Aaron had fallen for two other men the ginger had no idea even existed. How could he have done this to him? After everything they had been through. He had nothing left. All Leo was, sadness, anger, regret, jealousy.

     When he really thought about it. He guessed that was why he was tied to Michael. Although he did some pretty fucked up things, at least he felt bad. At least he felt remorse. Leo didn't know him well, but all he knew was that Michael was related to William and therefore wanted nothing to do with him. They lived in the same house and that was about it. Eventually Michael had lost his mind and killed his boyfriend, Jerade and then himself.

    A month after, Michaels remnant had been stolen from him in order to reincarnate his father. To Leo's knowledge Jerade now dated Cody's older brother, another kid that lived in the same house he and Aaron had.

    He missed Aaron so much. Had he done something wrong? Perhaps he did not do enough? What happened that made everything go so wrong?

    As Leo thought, sitting on a log in a clearing, someone crept up behind him. The ginger whipped around, but sighed relief when he saw it was just Michael. At first, when he saw the purple button up and tall build, he had thought somehow William had found him. But he knew that was impossible. William couldn't find him now. He couldn't hurt him anymore.

    "Hey.." Michael said somberly. The taller, younger version of his father always looked sad. He was kinda a downer now. The only other emotion he ever expressed was anger toward his father. That's one thing he and Leo had in common. The rage toward William. He had ruined both of their lives. It was the only thing they had really 'bonded' over the past few months.

    "Hey. How are things?" He prompted, trying to at least make some conversation other than awkward silence.

    "Alright I guess. You?" Michael replied.

    "I miss Aaron, a lot." Leo sighed. It's not like there was anyone else there, so he figured he might as well confide in someone.

    "Oh, I forgot..I'm really sorry about that." Michael said sympathetically.

    "Eh, don't worry about it. How are you doing with Jerade?" Though Leo didn't really care that much, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

    "I wish I could say sorry. A million times. I really miss him." Michael looked like he was in pain, not from his expression, but his eyes. His deep brown eyes. Leo had to admit, though Michael wasn't really his type, he was quite attractive, especially his eyes. To Leo, a person's eyes said so much. Aarons were pretty green and expressed so much happiness and fragile behavior. Michaels eyes expressed deep thought and empathy. It brought a smile to the gingers face. Michael looked at Leo a bit concerned.

    "What?" He asked a bit confused by Michaels expression.

    "You're smiling." Michael said a bit surprised.

    "Yeah so? I can smile too!" Leo exclaimed, pouting a little.

    "Well I dunno! You always look so...Grimm." He giggled quietly.

    "Wha- Oh haha, very funny." He grumbled a little amused. Michael stood and held out his hand.

    "Come here." The brunette prompted. Leo hesitated before taking Michaels hand. He swiftly pulled the ginger into his arms and began to sway softly. Leo looked a bit confused and peeked up at Michael.

    "Dancing always makes me happier. Especially with another person. Don't you think so?" He gave Leo a hopeful smile. His companion thought before nodding. He remembered when he and Aaron used to dance together when they were little. They had a special place. A clearing in the woods where they played. This hurt, but gave Leo a sense of nostalgia.

    They stood there in silence, swaying to silence. Michael occasionally twirled Leo around gently, which made the ginger smile. After a few minutes, Luna Moths of blue, pink, and purple began to fly around them, glowing fluorescently. Leo had never seen these particular colors on Luna Moths, but nothing seemed normal anymore, so he didn't say anything.

    While Leo was distracted, Michael had wrapped his arms around his companions waist and held him close, in a comfortable hold. Subconsciously, Leo rested his head on the brunettes chest, sighing softly. After a while Leo looked up at Michael. His dark brown eyes met Leo's and they stared at each other. Michael broke the tension as he rested his hand on the side of Leo's face. The ginger felt like he was suspended in space, like nothing mattered but them. But he also felt confused and reluctant.

    What was he thinking? Michael was a threat...right? No. William was a threat. Michael was a good person. He was good. He was harmless. But what he did to Jerade...was in the past. He could trust Michael. He needed to trust Michael.


Needed Michael. He needed someone. He needed comfort and loyalty. It was all he had left. If they would be stuck together Leo was fine with that, he just wanted comfort. They stayed there for a little bit before the ginger turned away.

    "Thank you...for that. I feel a lot better." He smiled, pulling away as Michael let go of him.

    "Of course! Anytime. I enjoyed this too." Michael nodded. Soon they parted ways and left for the night. It would take time, but a bond was growing between them. And that was something William wouldn't be able to take away.


Dancing - Michael Afton and Leo Grimm Where stories live. Discover now