Chapter 14 - The Judging of Fate

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Chapter 14 - The Judging of Fate

We had all been lined up and were now waiting anxiously for Judge Goole to give the verdict on who had won. It was a blind judging contest, to ensure that everyone was treated fairly. Looking down the line, you could see some people knew they hadn't done well, whereas others thought they had done an ok job and were feeling quite cocky about it. Zach for one looked confident, but not cocky. We had gotten to eat our meal, so two out of the four plates we had to make, we got to eat and one was left for each judge because another officer had stepped up to try our food too. Brave people.

Judges Goole and Martin stepped out of their judging chamber and walked towards us all. Each step they took towards us, my nerves and worry escalated. I could barely breathe when they started talking.

"Right. So we had some great dishes surprisingly, and some... not so good dishes." Judge Martin started. "So this is what it comes down to, which teams are in the bottom five and which teams are in the top five."

We all looked at each other trying to work out the competition, and trying to read the judges' faces, but nobody gave anything away.

"Ok so, Alex and Ryan step forward please." Said Judge Goole, "Dylan and Jane step forwards, Matt and Jacob, Alice and Amy..." And the list went on and on and I became more and more worried. Until suddenly he didn't call anymore names.

"The people that Judge Goole read out and have now stepped forward, you didn't have the best dishes..." Judge Martin paused and watched as those who had stepped forward, all became more nervous and those that hadn't relaxed slightly, "But you didn't have the worst dishes either, all of you are safe, you haven't won this challenge, but you haven't lost. You are free to do what you want for the rest of the day. You can leave."

I looked along our much depleted line as people left the room whooping and hugging their partners and friends. Sam and Liss had left already, but Leah and Rayne were left along with me and Zach, and some other people I didn't know.

The judges stood there staring us down and then Judge Goole started to speak, "Ok, so in this line left, we have the top five teams and the bottom five teams."

"If I read your name out, please step forward." Judge Martin said. "Bella and Brad, Tony and Harry, Guy and Jenny, Sally and Sophie and finally, Leah and Rayne."

I hoped for mine and Zach's sake that they were the people with the worst dishes, but on the other hand, I didn't want them to lose and face the punishment. Zach turned and looked at me. Sensing my nerves he reached out and put his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into his side and hugging me. I looked up at him and for once didn't push him away. I needed the comfort. I liked our dish, well Zach's dish really, I know he can cook now, but I just hope the judges agree with me.

"You are the people with the... worst dishes." Judge Goole exclaimed happily, rubbing his hands together. "Now, I'm ready to give out some punishments." He smiled gleefully. I let out a sigh of relief, on our part. But felt really sorry for Rayne and Leah whom looked slightly crestfallen. I then saw that Rayne was holding Leah in a similar way that Zach was still holding me. I sighed again, they were so cute, I just wish they'd get together already and stop being quite so shy with each other and everyone else.

"Yes. So well done, those of you that didn't step forward. You had the best dishes! And you get a reward." Said Judge Martin, he seemed like the nicer guy, well at least nicer than Judge Goole anyway, but he didn't pose that much of a threat if they had a nice people contest. "You can leave too. You'll get your rewards in the post." He said somewhat mysteriously.

We left the canteen, still holding onto one another and found that Liss and Sam were waiting for us outside. But I guess they had gotten a bit bored just waiting because Sam had pushed Lissa against the wall and was currently kissing the life out of her. Not that she minded, of course.

I looked at Zach who was stood next to me, observing the scene too, when out of nowhere we both needed to cough. And they jumped apart as quickly as they could, before turning to face us. Our 'coughing' had turned into laughter and we weren't holding back.

When we finally calmed down, we saw Sam and Liss glaring at us, obviously not seeing the funny side to things.

"So did you win or lose?" Sam asked curiously.

"Well, we were one of the five teams that.... won!!" Zach said happily. But then frowned, "But Rayne and Leah were one of the teams that lost. I hope their punishment isn't bad!"

And speaking of the devils, they walked through the door. Well, walking is a slightly wrong way of putting how they got to us. Leah and Rayne stormed over to us, looking really annoyed and the whole red faces, steam blowing from their ears wouldn't have looked amiss.

"Woah, are you guys ok?" I asked hesitantly.

"Ok? OK?! Of course not!! Those stupid a-holes in their can shove their punishment up their arses!!" Rayne exclaimed.

Right, well I'm glad Rayne has come out of his shell a bit, but never thought he'd be like this, well at least not for a little while anyway.

"Rayne, Rayne! It's ok, calm down." Leah soothed him, and to everyone's surprise he did and leaned into her hug and squeezed her tightly in his arms, his chin resting on top of her head.

Hmmm, I wonder what their punishment is.

Awwww!!! They are so cute!! Just like Sam and Liss, but more innocent. Haha. It seems like both Sam and Rayne have managed to win over their girls a bit today, if not completely. Ha! Maybe we should try cooking more often!!


(A/N) - This is dedicated to mydreamadventure because I really liked her comment, love her profile background and she seems really nice. :)

Sorrrrryyy for the loooooooong wait again :(

Love all my patient readers <3

And thanks to all my new and old fans! <3

This is short-ish so I will update again this week, probably Sunday, I'll have to see how my homework goes. :/ I just really wanted to update something now, after you've had to wait for sooooo long!

So, Fan, Vote, Comment if you want :D <3


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