Chapter 3

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i paid my ride from the bus, then i went off from the bus, and now i'm walking beside the busy street, going to my second part time job, i work as a cashier in a famous convenience store here in Seoul and i also get paid well.

i observed the busy streets beside me, a lot of people are walking on the roads, while lots of cars are running through the busy highways, and the sun is still on the sky, shining so brightly.

i walked to the convenience store that i'm gonna work in, i pushed the glass door open, and walked to the cash register center, i placed my stuff on the table.

i looked around in the cash desk, but i couldn't find my bestfriend, Jin.

"where's Jin?" i asked my co-worker who was arranging the new stocks of juices in the empty shelves.

"he said he's gonna be absent for today" she said while still arranging the stocks on the shelves, this is the second day that he's absent on his part time job, and i feel bad for him.

his part time job is also here, in the grocery store, we work as cashiers, and we've been bestfriends for almost 4 years straight, and counting too, he has quite of a similar life story as mine, his dad died because of cancer, and he was left with his sick mom and younger sister who studies in Elementary.

he really has to work hard, since his mom can't work that much anymore because of her current illness, she has to rest, and Jin is the breadwinner of his family, he also attends high school with me, but i told him that he needs to take some rest, until he's finally better.

i'm glad he listened to me, he also says the same thing for me, and we appreciate each other's existence.

i went to the staff room and opened my locker, i took my uniform out, it's a red shirt with white stripes, and some black jeans, i went to the bathroom and changed my clothes.

after i fully prepared myself for work, i went out of the staff room and i could see loads of customers in the cash desk, i went up to the cash desk and began to assist my co-worker in the cash desk

time skip, 5:50pm.

right now i'm arranging the cigarette boxes on the shelves, while there's still some customers coming in the store, probably buying some stuffs for their family since it's a special day today, and my other co-worker is assisting to them in the cash desk.

this convenience store never goes empty, there should always be a second that one customer goes in here and buys something, or unless we lock the store up when it's time for us to go home.

after my co-worker assisted all of the people who bought in this store, she called my attention.

"i'll just go and buy something on the side of the other street, please take care of the store" she said while she takes her hat off, i nodded then she went out of the store.

i continued to arrange the cigarettes on the shelves, until a customer comes in the store, i looked to my side, and saw..

a handsome, tall, attractive man, his hair was straight, the color was brunette, he laid his eyes on the stocks, and to me, i gulped my saliva, i was shocked at his appearance, he laid his eyes on me, and he started to walk on my direction.

ohshit what do i do?! why the hell is he coming up to my direction?!

"excuse me, one dunhill please" he said in his deep voice, damn, that voice was hot.

I just kept a straight look at the man, he was daring hot, sexy, and gorgeous at the same time.

I looked to his beautiful, giant nose, his eyes were gorgeous, and his lips were shaped so perfectly.

I didnt move at all, all I did was stare at the handsome man right infront of me.

"are you done checking me out?" he asked with a chuckle.

I was brought back to reality after he said that, I moved my head a little, enough for me to bring myself back.

"i-i'm sorry" I said with my cold response.

he didnt gave me an expression at all, he looked dead from the outside, while he was staring at his Rolex watch.

I coldly turned my back to him, while searching for the thing he asked me.

but I forgot what he asked me, shit, I turned my head to him again, and asked.

"uhm excuse me, what did you ask me to give you again?"

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