Chapter 9

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I represent,


Anastasia Pierce:

Weeks passed normally. The same bullshit.

I wake up, attend classes, eat, sleep. Damon surprisingly didn't ask me out again, or shockingly. Hurtfully? But on the bright side, he asked me out to the ball, tonight.

I haven't really spoken to professor Riddle at all. Every class, My heart skips two beats when he would come in wearing one his spectacularly perfect outfits. And my legs would ignite the moment his jaws tense. A few glances here and there. But he didn't really speak to me. Why does it feel nerve wracking? He's my professor, it's not that big of a deal.

"Anna, c'mon!" She screamed at me from outside of the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a few Liz, sod off." The annoyance was louder than my complain. "I need you to tell me how i look." I could hear her heals stomping on the wooden floor like bullets. I wore a halter black dress with dantel drawings of flowers covering some parts and sheer over the naked ones, then charmeuse began at my waist and ended at my feet with a slit on the right leg.

I struggled to clip the dress behind my neck under my curled hair. I braided a small braid wrapping it behind my head and leaving the rest down with a glistening bird pin in my hair. My grandmother's.

My hands trembled with those forcefully put on nails as i applied my eyeliner. "Fuck," I muttered. "He's just a fucking human, you nervous wreck." I pointed at myself in the mirror. "Stop talking to yourself!" She sounded too near to the door.

"Are you eavesdropping, Liz?" I furrowed my brows throwing the eye-liner away. The insecurity i felt was overloaded and maddening. "Can i open the door?" She innocently asked. "Go ahead." I huffed grabbing the dangling earrings.

The door creaked before she appeared in front of me; her blue queen anne dress shinning her chest and her white gloves almost matching the brightness of the jewels on her abdominals and waistline. I parted my lips at the perfectly brushed royal bun at the back of her head with her blonde strands falling shaping her face.

She gaped her mouth at me as my hair fell on my shoulders hugging my clear gleaming skin of my arms as my eyes glowed beneath my mascara and highlighted face. My leg naked beneath the slit with my stilleto heals hugging my foot. My face perfectly shaped with my lips glossing and my face blushed.

"Oh my god." We uttered in union. "You look amazing!" We also screamed together. "Just come here." I embraced her in my arms as she held me back. "We really said: the prettiest girls in the ball huh?" She titled her head after she pulled back.

"I can't do my eyeliner. I'm shaking." I held my ringed hand with the other. "You don't need it, you look perfect. Now let's go." She pulled me out.

I wonder how will he look like. Tall and handsome as always. His face shaved clean and hewed like statues and his blue eyes widening at mine making my heart drop.

"We should go," i fiddled through my fingers as she clipped her heals. "Alright. I'm done already." She shook her head standing quickly. I opened the door with my breath hitching.

And teachers are all going to be present. Great. No really, that was great. I don't think I've dressed in something that fancy. Last year's ball i looked like a fucking wedding cake. But that's no matter, the past is in the past.

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