𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚

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"no! this is all so wrong!" Roger groaned, clearly exhausted and annoyed.

"what are you on about? it sounded good." Brian tried to cheer his friend up but it was no use.

they had been at the studio for hours and Roger just couldn't get this one thing right. he was hungry, tired and very much in need of a smoke.

"bollocks. it was horrid. i can't get it right."

"Roger, dear, it sounds good. i don't see what the problem is." Freddie joined the conversation.

"the fucking problem is me. i'm tired of this!" Roger raised his voice, slamming his drum sticks on the floor. Freddie just raised his eyebrows.

"stop throwing a tantrum and take a fag." he said, handing Roger his pack of cigarettes. sighing, Roger took one, so did Freddie.

after lighting their cigarettes and taking a few drags Roger spoke up, breaking the silence that had formed up in the room. "i'm sorry i'm just... frustrated."

"you need to get laid."

"shut up deaky."

it's been hard for Roger. they knew that. lately he's just been more tired than usual, staying up very late, either staying in the studio or doing god knows what, only to sleep for a couple hours.

"look, rog. it sounds good. i know you're stressed but it's gonna be okay. we're leaving on tour soon and my head is gonna explode if i have to keep listening to this constant whining and bickering." Brian sighed. he was right. Roger was being immature.

but it was like that always. well, not always, but lately it felt like nothing was right. every sound his instrument made didn't feel right. every concert they had didn't feel like a success.

Roger spent many nights trying to write something uplifting and happy, to create new songs, but ugh... who knew happy songs were so hard to write?


"AMERICAA!! here we come!!" Freddie's voice echoed as they were about to step into the plane.

"for god's sake fred it's 7 in the morning." John groaned at the sudden loud voice, earning an agreeing hum from Roger.

"oh cheer up darling! aren't you excited?!" Freddie practically skipped to the plain. almost running the stairs up.

"of course i'm excited but you know what's more exciting?" answered John.

Freddie turned his head around quickly, "you have champagne?! wait no! something better?! what is it!"

"sleeping would be more exciting."

by saying that John earned a slap on his head.

they were finally on their way to their another american tour. the last time was so fun, though Roger tries not to think about it, for obvious reasons.

soon they'd be going to other countries in europe and asia too, he was sure!

after landing to New York, their journey started. driving from state to another, across the country.

oh how they had all missed this. so much. they, especially Freddie, lived for performing. that's what kept them alive (literally, they'd be broke as fuck without this).

this far Roger was satisfied with himself and how things had gone. the whole tour made him forget things he would usually worry or think too much about back home in london. maybe it was because of all the booze from the afterparties or the occasional groupies he was surrounded with, or maybe it was just time. time healing him. making it better slowly as it went on.

Sunflower Feelings - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now