Chapter 1

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There will only be one chapter, as this is not a story I will make longer or improvise

If you didn't read the description, this is just a recreation of a short story I made in 4th grade, so it's nothing major and it's kind of a rushed story.


I burst through the highschool doors, trying to catch my breath as I ran, trying to make it into class before I would be counted late. As I was nearing my classroom, I slowed down my pace and went back to a walk. I creaked open the door and silently walked in beside the teacher. All eyes were on me. The teacher quickly turned his attention to me to see who had walked in, realization hit him that they'd be having a new student that day. "Oh everyone! This is Zara, our new student from now on, please treat her kindly. Zara, if you could go find an empty seat, that'd be great." I went ahead and nodded as I headed to an empty seat in the back, when I heard small chuckles from other students I decided it'd be best to keep my head low.

I sunk into my seat from embarrassment, but soon refocused on the professor's lecture. The day felt like it lasted days, maybe even years, each period felt like it was 10 hours long. Great first day, isn't it? After lots of waiting, the bell finally rang, signaling school was over. Everyone scrambled to pack their bags and get out of this soulless school. I went ahead and took my time though, there was no rush, not like home was that fun anyways, at least I had something to do at school. Once I had finished putting everything away in my bag, I headed outside to the buses, leisurely getting onto my bus.

I decided to head to the very back of the bus, so I could be away from everyone. Not long after I had settled myself into the seat, someone sat down beside me. "Um, hi? Who are you?" I said, trying my best not to sound rude. "Oh sorry! Did you not want me sitting here? I'll move seats.." The boy said, starting to gather his things, "Oh no! Sorry I came off that way, you can sit there, just wondering who you are." the boy sighed in relief before stating "Well that's good, didn't want to be disturbing you. Anyways, I'm Yuuma, nice to meet you, what's your name?" "Oh, I'm Zara, nice to meet you too!" I put on a friendly smile, hoping I wouldn't scare him away.

I was pretty surprised when we became friends quickly, I guess we just understood each other and had the same interests, his hair looked super soft too, but he'd probably think I'm weird if I said that.. It's been a while since I first met Yuuma, around a month, but I think we had been pretty good friends by now, we've been talking everyday on the bus, but the first time we met we got off at the same stop and were heading the same direction, now that was awkward because we had already said our goodbyes to each other, but in the end he just ended up living a few houses from me, I was glad I at least didn't get kidnapped.

School was going pretty smoothly, I now had a friend group with three other people, Yuuma, Mei, and Zach. We were all pretty good friends, we hung out during our free periods and lunchtime, sometimes after school, I had no complaints about life. Of course we all have that one bully and their sidekick at school, they didn't really seem to bother us though, probably kept their distance because we're semi popular. I decided to drive my car to school the next day, I had missed the bus so I had no other choice, I had only recently gotten my drivers license though, so it was pretty nerve wracking.

I must've not been paying attention, maybe I passed a red light, or it was another car's fault, but I felt a car ram into the side of mine. The sudden pain made my body go into shock, it all happened so fast that before I knew it all I saw was black, no light, no nothing, just pitch black. I suddenly reawoke in an unfamiliar place, but something was on my face? I took it off to see it was a VR headset, strange.. I didn't think anything of it and got off the bed, it seemed like I was in some sort of abandoned hospital. I roamed the hallways, hearing weird noises here and there, the only light source in the building was the natural light coming through the windows. Something about the place sent a shiver down my spine. I finally found the exit, and thank god, because I wanted to get out of there.

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