Chapter 1 : Vampire or werewolf !?

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My name's Alice Green, i'm 18 and i'm a Loonix ! it's a mix between a werewolf and a vampire. Unfortunately both of my parents died in a tragic car accident and I lived alone for 4 years.

One day, I was haunting at a forest, when I suddenly noticed a guy watching me behind a tree so faraway. That he was a vampire was very obvious, If it weren't for his appearance, his stillness would have proved his nature, he came near me knowing that I caught him, his red eyes were analyzing my every move.

I decided to take a step forward so I can explain my presence and ask him a few questions about himself, but he took that as an alarm, he certainly must have smelt my werewolf fragrance cuz he jumped right above my head and started to attack me.

I defended myself quickly and pushed him away with one hand (oh yeah I am veery strong !) he came up again and prepared to try again but I persuaded him to give up cuz I was much too stronger than he was "obviously".

Guy : _" Who are you ? And what are you doing in our territory ? "

Me : _" I'm sorry, I didn't know that this place had been claimed ! "

Guy : _" Oh.. that's okay ! I hope you're not a spy or something ."

Me : _" No don't worry, I'm just a normal girl passing through ! "

Guy : _" Well I can see that you're a girl, but i'm not quite sure you're NORMAL. hmm... cuz you smell so weird ! "

Me : _" Actually, I'm a loonix which is half werewolf, half vampire .
I hope that's okay with you !? "

Guy : _" We don't like werewolves, but you're half vampire so I guess that's okay ! "

Me : _" We !? "

Guy : _" Yeah, my friends and me . They're not here now cuz they went haunting near the mountain. "

Me : _" I'm Alice, by the way. "

Guy : _" It's a pleasure to meet you Alice! My name is Zayn. "

Me : _" Nice to meet you Zayn. "

Right then, we heard footsteps near the trees, a few seconds later I saw 4 vampire guys coming curiously toward us.

Zayn : _" Hey guys ! I want you to meet someone. Everyone this is Alice, Alice these are my friends, Harry, Niall, Liam and Louis. "

The guys (together) : _" Hey Alice ! "

Me : _" Hi guys. "

Harry : _" What are you ? "

Me : _" I'm a loo ... "

Zayn : _" She's half vampire half werewolf, but don't worry she's not dangerous ! "

Harry : _" I can see that ! "

I immediately turned my face away.
Uh-oh Harry noticed Zayn's bruise !

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