Chapter 3 : The Moon Beast

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Me : _" Now that everything is back to normal, we really should find out who or what was behind that terrible sound. "

Niall : _" I agree, but we don't know the source of the sound or what was behind it..."

Liam : _" And we're not very professional with these kind of things, especially when we don't know the cause of that beast like roar ! "

Zayn _"That's it you found it Liam !"

Liam : _" Really !? Found what ?? "

Zayn : _" The Moon Beast. "

Everyone : _" The what !? "

Zayn : _" A long time ago, there was a horrible creature named "The moon beast" who used to live here in this forest, every time when the moon appears in the sky, it goes to the village near this forest and kills every living being. The people who told me about the legend also said that the whole village tried to destroy it but it was unstoppable, so they decided to sacrifice one of them and give the person to the monster. After doing so, it simply disappears and never comes back until the next full moon. "

Me : _"What are we gonna do now ? if this legend is really true, how are we gonna stop it again ?"

Harry : _" I have the best idea ever, we sacrifice Alice ! "

Zayn : _" WTF !? That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard ! "

Niall : _" Zayn's right, please Harry, for this one moment, try to use your brain ! "

Zayn : _" If he has one ! "

Harry : _" What !? "

Me : _" Guys please, don't start again ! "

Zayn : _" That's right, we have to protect each other now not the opposite. "

Harry : _" Okay fine, I'll work with you Zayn Malik but please know that I'm doing this only to protect MYself ! "

Zayn : _" You're just so arrogant.. and selfish ! "

Harry : _"Mind your own business."

Zayn : _" Fine ! "

Harry : _" Fine ! "

Me : _" I don't hear the sound of the beast anymore. "

Zayn : _ " That's because the moon desappeared behind the clouds. "

Me : _ " What are we gonna do if it comes back ? "

Zayn : _ " What a silly question, we fight ! "

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