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SAMEDI 15h19 - Family

Sunny day, fresh air and in the best company of this world, Eliott was sat in the grass and next to him, Lucas played with Fifi, Ouba was already tired of playing, she was lying on the grass, eyes casting around the trees and plants.

Lucas stopped playing with Fifi, which was sat in the grass as well next to him.

In a glance aside, Lucas asked Eliott softly: how are you today?

Eliott looked at him: well, under this sun, with the love of my life at my side, and with our babies enjoying this day? Pretty good – he smiles

Lucas smiles at him, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. He approaches Eliott with both of his hands sliding through Eliott's waist. Lucas turns himself on the grass so he could kiss Eliott better. Eliott does the same, moving his right hand over Lucas' neck. They approach their lips in a slow movement, as their eyes flitted from each other's mouth to the eyes.

Teasing each other, they approach and move their heads away, in a similar movement as their lips try to reach each other's.

Lucas: will you stop teasing me? – he speaks through the small ray of sunlight going between their faces

Eliott: just a bit more – he approaches his face in order to kiss him and at the same moment he turns Lucas on his back in the grass, leaning himself above him.

They kiss while Lucas settles in the grass and Eliott stands on his stomach, lying his body over Lucas'. One, two, three long kisses go on and they keep smiling while do it.

But when they less expected, Ouba jumps on them as Fifi gets closer too.

Eliott: aah Ouba!

Lucas laughs: she's attacking you

Eliott: she's jealous – Eliott moves himself off Lucas' body, lying his on the grass next to Lucas, both with on their backs.

Lucas: of what? – he settles down after the mini attack.

Eliott: because I have the most handsome men at my side

They look at each other, only their heads move aside, while their bodies keep resting on the grass.

Lucas: I love you more than anything

Eliott: hmm I love you a bit more

Lucas: I would doubt it

They keep smiling at each other for some minutes, and the only thought going on their minds was how lucky they were to have each other. The sunlight sparkling into their faces, making this moment even more beautiful and shiny, they could feel the love they were sharing in that moment.

Eliott finally takes a step of making some movement and turns his head up, now facing the clouds in the sunny sky.

Eliott: what's the best part of my movie for you?

Lucas is now looking at the clouds as well: hm... it's difficult... it's valid to say every part you're in?

Eliott: so the whole movie? – he giggles

Lucas: hm let me see... - he stops talking to think about it – I think... the one you said something about the hypothese of everyone being pan...

Eliott: oh yeah... - he thinks a bit - sometimes i wonder what it would be like if everyone in the world was pan... everyone loving each other by who they are, not by their gender or anything else, but because of who they truly are, by the person... maybe it would be a better place...

Lucas: that sounds like an amazing idea... I mean, it would be impossible to do but if it happened ,we would probably have more love and acceptance instead of hate and prejudice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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