The Jinn

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Some think that it's just a myth.

Some think that it is just for entertainment.

And some believe in it.

You'll never know until you have experienced something like what had happened with Tharn and Type.

Tharn is attending the last year of college after which he has decided to take a job right away.

He was used to be a bookworm.. Until oneday Type came into his life....well into his college.

The moment his eyes fell upon the handsome yet beautiful man standing on the other end of the counter waiting for his leaflet of selection of studies, is the moment Tharn decided that he would do everything he has to do to keep this boy in his life forever.

So he asked the fresher his details about which the later revealed everything timidly.

Tharn was so mesmerised with the beauty standing in front of him that he couldn't control his emotions and asked for his phone number with desperation.

Eventually Type got admitted in the same college but sadly in a different department. But that didn't stop the senior to pursue this young man.

At last Tharn asked him out on a date with all the courage he had within him to which Type agreed.

Finally the day came when both of them are going for a date.

What they didn't know was that today everything would change for them.

Tharn was waiting beside his car as Type stepped out from his dorm. He was looking absolutely gorgeous. Tharn couldn't content himself as he walked towards his date and placed a kiss on his right cheek. Type's face turned tomato red in that instant.

"Oh my god!! You are looking so cute while blushing" Type blushed even more after hearing it.

"Let's go or we'll be late if I keep staring at you the whole time" Tharn winked at Type before grabbing his hand and took him towards the other side of the car.

Tharn opened the door for him as Type got inside to sit. Tharn then leaned against him as he buckled his seatbelt.

Tharn started the engine and headed outside the campus.

Suddenly Type started coughing..

"Are you alright?" Tharn looked at the boy beside him who was constantly coughed.

He finally parked his car beside the road and grabed a water bottle from the backseat.

"Here... Drink some water.. " Tharn gave it to Type which he denied firmly "I want to go back".

His statement made Tharn puzzled all of a sudden.

"Are you not feeling well? What happened Type? Should I take you to the hospital?" Type shook his head.

Tharn noticed his head was titled downwards the whole time.

So he got a little closer and pulled Type's chin a little up.

His eyes widened when he saw Type's face...

His eyes were bloodshot...

There was a slight smirk on his lips as if he was mocking Tharn....

"Type... What happened?? Tell me.. " Tharn kept on asking but no matter how hard he tried Type never said a single word.

"Stop it.... " Tharn pulled himself away when Type screeched all of a sudden.. "Why are you forcing me?? I said just take me to the dorm... Why are you forcing yourself on me?? I'm not even interested in you... " What surprised Tharn more that the voice coming out of Type's was different..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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