a night of passiontae sex

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POV: bojack(sex warning)

as we roughly kissed i watched tinky winky get out of his suit a tall sexy man got out "no. stay in it" i said and pulled out handcuffs, "tinky kinky" he said. "oh yeah you better belive it" i replied. all of the sudden i had a need to shit. so i said to tink "open wide" tinky looked confused for a second but as i dropped my drawers he knew what was going on and i saw his already 7 incher grow even bigger. i dropped a load straight into his hold and then i went to his other hole and passed another one into him. "now you're stuffed from both sides" i said. tinky winky makes a snarky comeback with "tinky winky wink" "IS THAT SO??" i say. and tinky winky just doesn't say anything and looks away. so what i do is i flipped him over, and shoved my dick hard and raw, now covered in shit i take it out and stick my finger in my peehole. pissing on tink i end up cumming instantly, i notice rinks not done yet so i guess that means neither am i. so i take my bottle of viagra, not know how many i take them all. i soon would regret it cause my dick gross so large that all the blood in my body swells into it and i end up dying. "TINKY WINKY!!?! TINK TONK TINKY WINKY WONK WINKY WYONKT TINKY WINKY TI KYW WINKKYYYYYY" says tinky crying now stuck cover in shit, piss and cum to the bed slowly dies of hunger and sadness. the end.

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